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BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 23, Day 5: John 18:19-27 Summary of John 18:19-27 BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 23, Day 5: John 18:19-27 Conclusions BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 23, Day 5: John 18:19-27 End Notes BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 23, Day 5: John 18:19-27 Best Winter Books BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 23, Day 5: Micah 6-7 SUMMARY OF MICAH 6-7 Micah 6 Micah 7 BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 23, Day 5: Micah 6-7 Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 23, Day 5: Micah 6-7 End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 23, Day 5: Micah 6-7 Micah 6 Micah 7 Best Valentine’s Day Gifts BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 23, Day 5: Matthew 23:13-39 SUMMARY OF MATTHEW 23:13-39 BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 23, Day 5: Matthew 23:13-39 Conclusions BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 23, Day 5: Matthew 23:13-39 End Notes BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 23, Day 5: Matthew 23:13-39 8 Woes Why So Strong Words to the Pharisees? BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 23, Day 5: Genesis 38:13-30 Summary of Genesis 38:13-30: BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 23, Day 5: Genesis 38:13-30 Conclusions BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 23, Day 5: Genesis 38:13-30 End Notes BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 23, Day 5: Genesis 38:13-30 BSF Study Questions Genesis Lesson 23, Day 5: Genesis 31

BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 23, Day 5: John 18:19-27

February 8, 2024February 3, 2024 by atozmom, posted in BSF John's Gospel: The Truth 2023/2024

Summary of John 18:19-27

Jesus was questioned by Annas. He says he spoke openly and not secretly. He was slapped in the face. and sent to Caiaphas.

Peter was asked again if he were one of Jesus’ disciples. He said no. Peter was accused of being in the Garden with Jesus. Again, he denied he was there. Then the rooster crowed, as foretold by Jesus.

BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 23, Day 5: John 18:19-27

13a) “I have spoken openly to the world,”Jesus replied.“I always taught in synagoguesor at the temple,where all the Jews come together. I said nothing in secret. Why question me? Ask those who heard me. Surely they know what I said.”

b) He slapped Jesus in the face. He was scared of Jesus and did not want the truth to get out. He also may have wanted to show dominance over Jesus.

c) Jesus did not retaliate. He simply asked why he was struck when he only spoke the truth.

14a) Peter was asked again if he were one of Jesus’ disciples. He said no. Peter was accused of being in the Garden with Jesus. Again, he denied he was there.

b) If you tell one lie, then you may have to tell more lies to cover that lie. And it goes on. Many people think since they’ve already sinned, why not sin more?

15) Jesus had predicted that a rooster would crow after Peter had denied him 3 times.

16) I can do nothing without God. Only His strength gets me by.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 23, Day 5: John 18:19-27

I love how Jesus simply tells the truth and mankind finds ways to twist the truth.

End Notes BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 23, Day 5: John 18:19-27

Now, it’s Annas’ job to find out what Jesus is guilty of. Jesus is asking for the witnesses who accuse him, a requirement under Jewish law. Yet, there are none.

Jesus wanted to know why he was being physically abused. No one had an answer.

Annas was done with Jesus and sent him to Caiaphas for a more official trial.

Peter could see Jesus and saw him being slapped. Peter may have become fearful of his life here.

This is the same question as the servant girl’s (John 18:17) with the same answer.

Peter denied Jesus a third time, swearing by it Matthew 26:74. The rooster crowed, fulfilling what Jesus said would happen.

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BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 23, Day 5: Micah 6-7

February 9, 2023February 4, 2023 by atozmom, posted in BSF People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided 2022/2023


Micah 6

Micah reports the Lord’s case against Israel regarding their sins. God tells His people to remember all He has done for them since bringing them up out of Egypt and to the Promised Land. He tells them that they know what is good.And what does theLord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly[a]with your God.

Micah 7

There will be a remnant of God’s people who will confess their sins. There will be misery because of their sins. However, Israel will rise again. God will restore them and care for them. He wants His people to do the same.

BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 23, Day 5: Micah 6-7

12a) God tells His people to remember all He has done for them since bringing them up out of Egypt and to the Promised Land. He tells them that they know what is good.And what does theLord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly[a]with your God.

b) Hardened


“To act justly” To show justice to others and act justly.

“To love mercy” To show mercy to others and be happy to show mercy.

“To walk humbly with your God” To remember who God is and to walk humbly before Him.

b) I’d say in every aspect of my life. To be just, have mercy, walk humbly.

14) The Lord will bring His people back into the light despite their sins. No matter how much God’s people sin, He is infinitely merciful and loving. He will redeem His people. This offers me hope, too, that no matter how ‘bad’ I am, God still loves me.

15) All of it, really. God forgives, shows mercy, does not stay angry, has compassion, is faithful, shows love, and more. God is good in every way.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 23, Day 5: Micah 6-7

I love how we are called to be like God: to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. Great stuff.

End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 23, Day 5: Micah 6-7

Micah 6

Israel is on trial before the Lord. God brings His case. God tells His people to remember all that He has done for them. Israel asks God what He wants from them in the sense that God wants too much from them.

God responds with 3 things he wants:

  1. Do Justly
  2. Love Mercy
  3. Walk Humbly With God

Pretty simple, God says.

God will judge Israel who is greedy and wicked.

Micah 7

Now, a remnant of God’s people will confess their sins. No one could trust anyone.

God’s people will be humbled and then restored. God will care for them, and all the nations will be brought low.

God offers forgiveness and delights in showing mercy to His people. He will have compassion on all of His people. God wants everyone to do the same.

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BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 23, Day 5: Matthew 23:13-39

February 3, 2022January 29, 2022 by atozmom, posted in BSF Matthew 2021/2022


Jesus pronounces 7 woes against the Pharisees and the teachers of the law:

  1. They shut the doors of the kingdom of heaven and keep others out. The Pharisees won’t enter heaven.
  2. They travel far for converts, but once they convert, they become more sinful than themselves.
  3. They swear by the wrong things, such as the gold of the temple and the gift on the altar. Instead, swear by the temple and the one who dwells in it. Swear by heaven, God’s throne, and the one who sits on it.
  4. They have neglected justice, mercy, and faithfulness, but give a tenth of their spices.
  5. Inside, they are spiritually lacking and full of greed and self-indulgence. Instead, they clean the outside.
  6. They are hypocrites and wicked, not righteous.
  7. They stand in judgement of their forefathers, saying they would never have shed the blood of prophets, yet they are their descendants and are sinful, too.

Jesus calls them vipers and snakes. He tells them he is sending them teachers, who they will flog and kill. They will have righteous blood upon them.

BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 23, Day 5: Matthew 23:13-39


  1. They shut the doors of the kingdom of heaven and keep others out. The Pharisees won’t enter heaven.
  2. They travel far for converts, but once they convert, they become more sinful than themselves.
  3. They swear by the wrong things, such as the gold of the temple and the gift on the altar. Instead, swear by the temple and the one who dwells in it. Swear by heaven, God’s throne, and the one who sits on it.
  4. They have neglected justice, mercy, and faithfulness, but give a tenth of their spices.
  5. Inside, they are spiritually lacking and full of greed and self-indulgence. Instead, they clean the outside.
  6. They are hypocrites and wicked, not righteous.
  7. They stand in judgement of their forefathers, saying they would never have shed the blood of prophets, yet they are their descendants and are sinful, too.

Repeated words: “Woe to you” “teachers of the law and Pharisees” “you hypocrites” “blind such as blind guides, blind fools, blind men”


  1. We can hinder others coming to God.
  2. We can cause others to sin.
  3. We can swear by the wrong things.
  4. We can get fixated on the trivial rather than what matters.
  5. We can be polluted on the outside, rather than focus on the inside.
  6. We are all hypocrites.
  7. We judge others.

12a) The religious leaders and the rulers will persecute and kill the disciples and other early Christian leaders.

b) Jesus awaits those to acknowledge he is the Son of God.

13) It’s all very true how we are all sinners and make the same mistakes as the Pharisees in our religious pursuits. Awareness is step one. Next, comes change.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 23, Day 5: Matthew 23:13-39

Good stuff. We all need to be told and have our faults pointed out so we can work to correct them and become closer to God.

Great gift!

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End Notes BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 23, Day 5: Matthew 23:13-39

Woes would have been familiar to the Jews since they were used by the Old Testament prophets a lot. Isaiah 5:8-23;Habakkuk 2:6-19) Many compare these to the eight beatitudes Matthew 5:3-11.

8 Woes

  1. Woe to those who shut up God’s kingdom. Jesus is pointing out how the leaders made human conditions more important than God’s.
  2. Woe to the religious leaders who steal from widows (the debated 8th woe) and use long prayers to appear spiritual. They will face a greater condemnation in hell.
  3. Woe to those who lead their convers down the wrong path. Romans 10:2 and gave them a false message.
  4. Woe to those who made false and deceptive oaths. They could not swear by God Exodus 20:7 but they came up with oaths to swear by not abide by them. The altar is greater than the sacrifice on the altar. Every oath is binding.
  5. Woe to those who put trivial matters above those that matter. He used those who take the time to strain gnats (small things) but readily eat camels (big things) without thought.
  6. Woe to those who are corrupt and impure inside and out.
  7. Woe to those lacking spiritual life inside, or dead inside. Paul called the High Priest awhitewashed wallinActs 23:3.
  8. Woe to you who honor the dead prophets and kill the living ones.

The word “hypocrite” refers to an actor.

Our altar is Jesus himself and his work on the cross.

God is never fooled by appearances.

Why So Strong Words to the Pharisees?

Jesus hopes to gain repentance with these religious leaders who were so far away from God. Calling them snakes and brood of vipers is equating them with the devil.

Jesus does not want others to be deceived by them.

He mentions all the martyrs of the Old Testament, including Abel and Zechariah. Abel’s blood cried out (Genesis 4:10), and Zechariah asked that his blood be remembered (2 Chronicles 24:22).

Luke tells us that Jesus is crying as he says these words Luke 19:41 Jesus’ heart breaks at the sin of these men, as it does for us.

Jesus weeps twice in the Bible. Here, for the men who are lost and will face eternal damnation and at the tomb of Lazarus, weeping over death, a consequence of our sin.

Jesus only wants to protect us like a mother hen. (Psalm 17:8;91:4;Isaiah 31:5;

Jesus’s words here tells us that he repeatedly visited Jerusalem when he was preaching. However, no one recorded these journeys for us.

They rejected Jesus despite his offering of redemption.

Jesus is referring to his Second Coming with the final words here, saying the Jews will acknowledge him as Messiah.

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BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 23, Day 5: Genesis 38:13-30

February 4, 2021January 30, 2021 by atozmom, posted in BSF Genesis 2020/2021

Summary of Genesis 38:13-30:

Tamar was desperate and knew Shelah would not be her husband. So she disguised herself to go and meet her father-in-law, Judah, at Enaim on the road to Timnah. Judah thought she was a prostitute so he offered her a young goat as payment to sleep with her. She asked for a pledge since he did not have the goat with him. He gave her his seal, cord, and staff. She slept with him and became pregnant.

Judah could not find her again to give her the goat. When he found out though that Tamar was pregnant, he ordered her death, thinking she sinned as a prostitute. She presented him with her pledge and Judah had to admit he was wrong not to give her Shelah. She had twin boys named Perez and Zerah.

BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 23, Day 5: Genesis 38:13-30

13a) Tamar was desperate and knew Shelah would not be her husband. So she disguised herself to go and meet her father-in-law, Judah, at Enaim on the road to Timnah. She then tricked him into sleeping with her in order to have kids.

b) Too many ways to begin.

c) Judah at first was angry, but then he realized he was the one who sinned against her.

14) Jesus came from Tamar’s son, Perez, and Judah

15) It challenges me to do what is right, but not to use deceit to do so. Although, in Tamar’s defense, this was ancient times, and she didn’t have a lot of rights or say in any matter.

Conclusions BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 23, Day 5: Genesis 38:13-30

Now I see the significance of this story! I had forgotten about this until I read it again. Great stuff!

End Notes BSF Study Questions Genesis: Lesson 23, Day 5: Genesis 38:13-30

Tamar did not have a lot of options. It’s hard to blame her here. Judah was solely in charge if she would marry again, and it was painfully obvious he would not give her his last son.

God’s plan once again in action.

Judah fails to see his sin until he is confronted with it by Tamar. Wisely, he recognizes it for what it is.

Tamar becomes part of Jesus’ lineage! Matthew 1:3andLuke 3:33 Cool stuff!

Note this is another example of how God grants grace to sinners and how Jesus does not come from perfect examples of humanity (of which there are none). God can make all things work for the good of those who trust him (Romans 8:28), and for His redemptive plan.

BSF Study Questions Genesis Lesson 23, Day 5: Genesis 31

February 28, 2013 by atozmom, posted in BSF Genesis 2012/2013

Summary of passage: Laban’s sons were jealous of Jacob’s wealth. The Lord told Jacob it was time to return to his homeland. Jacob called Rachel and Leah to him and told them how he has worked for Laban despite the wages being constantly changed but God has been with him and has blessed him with their father’s livestock.

Jacob recounts a dream where God acknowledged Laban’s treachery and told Jacob to leave for home at once. Rachel and Leah agree and say all Jacob has gained from their father should be theirs anyways as an inheritance. Jacob and his family left Paddan Aram along with all of his livestock and goods for Canaan. Rachel stole all of her father’s household gods and Jacob left without telling Laban. They crossed the Euphrates.

Laban found out after three days that Jacob had fled. He pursued him and caught up with him in Gilead. God came to Laban in a dream, warning him not to speak to Jacob. Laban, in his infinite wisdom, speaks to Jacob anyways, and asks him why he had fled without saying good bye and why he has stolen the idols.

Jacob replies that he was afraid Laban would take his daughters from him (can’t blame him here) and that if someone has stolen the idols may they die.

Laban searched and found nothing for Rachel was sitting on them and said she was having her period so she couldn’t stand to greet him. Laban found nothing.

Jacob is mad at Laban for accusing him of stealing. He points out how he has worked 20 years for him, 14 for his daughters and 6 for his flocks even though Laban has changed his wages on him 10 times, and God Himself even rebuked Laban for his behavior.

So Laban and Jacob made a covenant, asking Jacob not to mistreat his daughters or take any more wives and neither will cross the other’s “side” to harm each other. They offered a sacrifice, spent the night, and the next day Laban bid his daughters farewell and left.


11a) The Lord told him it was time to go.

b) 20 years (verse 38 & 41)

12a) Verse 5 (the God of my father has been with me), Verse 7 (God has not allowed him (Laban) to harm me, Verse 9 (God has taken away your father’s livestock and given them to me), Verse 12 (I–God–have seen all that Laban has been doing to you)

b) With Laban and Abimelech, the un-Godly ones (yes, I’m calling Laban un-Godly since he’s throwing such a fit about his stupid idols missing) approached the patriarchs and set the terms of the treaty/covenant. Both knew God was with Jacob and Isaac and decided to move preemptively to protect themselves. Both treaties stated one was not to harm the other. Then they feasted, swore, and went on their merry way.

In terms of Jacob and Jesus, both were being pursued and both submitted to God’s will for their lives. Jacob was told it was time to move back to Canaan. Jesus was told it was time to die for our sins. Both were being falsely accused (Rachel was the perpetrator, not Jacob). Both sought God in the process.

c) Verses 5, 7, 9, 12, 42

13a) Hebrews says to endure hardship as discipline, which Jacob did. He endured sweltering days and freezing cold nights out in the elements as he cared for the flocks. He absorbed all the animals’ losses as his own and endured Laban’s mistreatments. Jacob worked hard and was blessed. He put his faith in God to care for him and bless him and the Lord did. He received all he had set out for (a wife basically) and much more (two wives and flocks).

Of course, Jacob failed miserably in the wife department. But his faith grew in God, which I believe was God’s intent, through the hardships.

b) Personal Question. My answer: Verse 42. God has seen my hardship and rebukes the persecutors of such. Verse 7. God has not allowed them to harm me. Verse 11. God has seen all that has happened.

Conclusions: It’s important to remember that God is with us in the difficult times and that He uses ALL things for our good (Romans 8:28). We will be blessed for we are His. Jacob is not personally afraid. He is afraid he’ll lose his family (as we all). But Jacob has faith in God to protect him and do His will through him. That is what we must remember. God is working through us even if we can’t see it and don’t know why we have to go through something. It will work for our good.

End Notes: This is the last we will hear of Laban in the Bible. As we see, he is a pompous bully who only half-believed in the Lord. He used his idols for divination. He is exceedingly jealous of God’s blessing upon Jacob. It is all about him.

Why did Rachel steal the idols? The Bible never tells us why. Scholars give many different speculative reasons: she didn’t want her father to have them in order to use them for divination to find them. She was getting back at her father for the many years of mistreating them. She wanted them for herself for she worshipped them. And the Jews usually say she took them to keep her father from sinning into idolatry.

You can also glean a nugget here of a healthy separation from your in-laws who may unduly influence you.

Most fascinating to me was that nowhere in this passage of praising God does Jacob ever say “God is MY God.”

bsf lesson 23 day 5 Archives - AtoZMom's BSF Blog (2024)
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