Arkansas Northeastern College is committed to providing accessible, quality educational programs, services, and lifelong learning opportunities.
Academic Excellence
Inclusiveness and Diversity
Institutional General Education
The broad knowledge and intellectual concepts as well as the skills and attitudes that Arkansas Northeastern College believes every student receiving an associate degree should possess. (Excerpted from the Higher Learning Commission Criteria for Accreditation, effective January 1, 2013.)
General Education Mission
To offer programs in general education that provide students with the skills and knowledge to succeed in their academic and career paths.
Information Literacy
Identify and locate resources for the investigation of a topic.
Analyze and evaluate information for its usefulness and validity.
Organize information and cite information resources properly.
Quantitative Reasoning
Identify the information needed to clarify and solve the problem.
Interpret date, perform calculations using the appropriate problem-solving techniques, and analyze the validity of the results.
Communicate and defend these results to the appropriate audience.
Communication Fluency
Compose and present effective prose in argumentative, expository, and/or technical forms to general and specialized audiences.
Synthesize multiple credible and relevant sources to support a position.
Critical Thinking
Evaluate the validity of competing hypotheses and apply appropriate skills to make decisions.
Analyze information to support a chosen position with consideration of consequences.
Diversity Awareness
Recognize and respond effectively to cultural biases.
Acknowledge the contributions made by people with different backgrounds.
Interact respectfully with persons of diverse backgrounds.
Adapt behavior to unfamiliar cultural and social perspectives.
Arkansas Northeastern College reserves the right to adjust the mode of instructional delivery and the dates included in the Academic Calendar due to a local, state, or national emergency, which includes issues related to COVID-19 Pandemic.
Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. Students are expected to do their own work. Plagiarism, using the words of others without express permission or proper citation, will not be tolerated. Any cheating (giving or receiving) or other dishonest activity will, at a minimum, result in a zero on that test or assignment and may be referred, at the discretion of the instructor, to the Department Chair and/or Vice President of Instruction for further action. If you are uncertain as to what constitutes academic dishonesty, please consult the Academic Integrity Policy for further details.
Arkansas Northeastern College recognizes that AI tools represent both great disruption and great opportunity. ANC wishes to embrace the use of these tools to enhance outcomes and student learning. However, the institution also realizes that AI can be used to plagiarize, cheat, or otherwise defeat the purpose of obtaining a collegiate education.
ANC supports the use of AI in circumstances where it facilitates student learning, and not in circumstances where it replaces student learning. Given the myriad uses of such tools and the great variety of program of study, this must be determined on a case-by-case basis. Therefore, ANC asserts that it is the responsibility of all ANC instructors to provide clearn guidelines regarding the use of AI tools in their classes, and it is the responsibility of all students to know and abide by these guidelines.
A grade of "I" (incomplete) is assigned on the final grade roster when a student fails to meet all course requirements for reasons beyond his/her control, ie., illness of the student, or serious illness or death in the family. Procrastination or pressures of work in other courses are not satisfactory reasons for an "I" grade. The "I" grade will be calculated into the grade point average with the appropriate hours attempted and no quality points earned. Students who do not complete the requirements for removal of the "I" grade by midterm of the following fall or spring semester will be assigned a grade of "F." Students who complete the requirements will have the instructor assigned grade posted to the transcript and the grade point average will be adjusted accordingly.
ANC student email is the official means of communication with students on all campuses. Important college-related information will be sent to individual ANC student email accounts. Students are expected to check their email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with college communications. Types of communication include, but are not limited to: financial aid information, bills, payment deadlines and inclement weather closings. Your email address will be your (first initial)(last name)(last 4 digits of ANC ID number) The default password will be your full ANC ID number with no spaces or hyphens.
If you already created a new password, and forgot that password, email the ANC Helpdesk at
ANC is committed to providing an environment that is free from any sexual harassment. It is the policy of the College to maintain the College community as a place of work and study for staff, faculty, and students free of sexual and gender harassment. Sexual harassment of employees is prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and sexual harassment of students may constitute discrimination under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 as amended. Harassment may otherwise be defined under the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidelines. Individuals who are subjected to sexual or gender harassment are encouraged to pursue the matter through the established informal and formal grievance procedures. Generally, the informal procedures afford an opportunity to explore a problem and consider alternative means for its resolution. The email for the Title IX coordinator is
Arkansas Northeastern College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. This College Syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request. Students with disabilities who need accommodations in a course must contact the instructor at the beginning of the semester to discuss needed accommodations. No accommodations will be provided until the student has met with the instructor to request accommodations. Students who need accommodations must be registered with Damon Richardson in Statehouse Hall, 870-762-3180 or
ANC Helpdesk: 870-780-1262 or
The ANC Helpdesk hours of operation are: Monday-Friday, 8:00am-4:30pm
Advising Center
The Academic & Career Enrichment (ACE) Advising Center is located in Statehouse Hall in Room S145. The ACE Advising Center advises all new ANC students. Once a student is progressing through his/her program of study, the student will be assigned an advisor in the field of study. Prospective students are provided free practice resources for ACCUPLACER test placement. The ACE Advising Center also houses a Virtual Career Center including career placement services, as well as academic tutoring services for enrolled students. The tutoring services offered are one-on-one tutoring, group tutoring, and group labs for specific classes.
TRIO - Student Support Services
Student Support Services (SSS) provides services and activities designed to facilitate the academic growth and strengthen the personal and social development of eligible students. In addition to free tutoring, the program offers academic advising, career counseling, personal counseling, study skills workshops, and assistance in applying for financial aid. The program staff also assists students in the transfer process from ANC to four-year institutions.
Please refer to the Student Support Services page for more information.
Other Support Services
Many departments are ready to assist you to reach your educational goals. Be sure to check with your advisor; the ACE Advising Center, Room S145, and Student Support Services, Room W207; to find the right type of support for you.
Non-Academic Support Services
ANC is dedicated to assisting students by offering a variety of non-academic support services. Please visit the ANC Office of Community Relations page to take advantage of these services.