Functions and Importance of HRM (2024)

Functions of HRM

We have already defined HRM. The definition of HRM is based on what managers do. The functions performed by managers are common to all organizations. For the convenience of study, the function performed by the resource management can broadly be classified into two categories, viz.

(1) Managerial functions, and

(2) Operative functions

These are discussed in turn.


(a) Planning

Planning is a predetermined course of actions. It is a process of determining the organizational goals and formulation of policies and programmed for achieving them. Thus planning is future oriented concerned with clearly charting out the desired direction of business activities in future. Forecasting is one of the important elements in the planning process. Other functions of managers depend on planning function.

(b) Organizing

Organizing is a process by which the structure and allocation of jobs are determined. Thus organizing involves giving each subordinate a specific task establishing departments, delegating authority to subordinates, establishing channels of authority and communication, coordinating the work of subordinates, and so on.

(c) Staffing

TOs is a process by which managers select, train, promote and retire their subordinates This involves deciding what type of people should be hired, recruiting prospective employees, selecting employees, setting performance standard, compensating employees, evaluating performance, counseling employees, training and developing employees.

(d) Directing/Leading

Directing is the process of activating group efforts to achieve the desired goals. It includes activities like getting subordinates to get the job done, maintaining morale motivating subordinates etc. for achieving the goals of the organization.

(e) Controlling

It is the process of setting standards for performance, checking to see how actual performance compares with these set standards, and taking corrective actions as needed.

(2) Operative Functions

The operative, also called, service functions are those which are relevant to specific department. These functions vary from department to department depending on the nature of the department Viewed from this standpoint, the operative functions of HRM relate to ensuring right people for right jobs at right times. These functions include procurement, development, compensation, and maintenance functions of HRM.

A brief description of these follows

(a) Procurement

It involves procuring the right kind of people in appropriate number to be placed in the organization. It consists of activities such as manpower planning, recruitment, selection placement and induction or orientation of new employees.

(b) Development

This function involves activities meant to improve the knowledge, skills aptitudes and values of employees so as to enable them to perform their jobs in a better manner in future. These functions may comprise training to employees, executive training to develop managers, organization development to strike a better fit between organisational climate/culture and employees.

(c) Compensation

Compensation function involves determination of wages and salaries matching with contribution made by employees to organisational goals. In other words, this function ensures equitable and fair remuneration for employees in the organization. It consists of activities such as job evaluation, wage and salary administration, bonus, incentives, etc.

(d) Maintenance

It is concerned with protecting and promoting employees while at work. For this purpose virus benefits such as housing, medical, educational, transport facilities, etc. are provided to the employees. Several social security measures such as provident fund, pension, gratuity, group insurance, etc. are also arranged.

It is important to note that the managerial and operative functions of HRM are performed in conjunction with each other in an organization, be large or small organizations. Having discussed the scope and functions of HRM, now it seems pertinent to delineate the HRM scenario in India.

Importance of Human Resource Management

Human resources are the valuable assets of the corporate bodies. They are their strength. To face the new challenges on the fronts of knowledge, technology and changing trends in global economy needs effective human resource management. Significance of HRM can be seen in three contexts: organisational, social and professional.

(i) Organization Significance

HRM is of vital importance to the individual organization as a means for achieving their objectives.

It contributes to the achievement of organisational objectives in the following ways:

(i) Good human resource practice can help in attracting and retaining the best people in the organization.

(ii) Developing the necessary skills and right attitudes among the employees through training, development, performance appraisal, etc.

(iii) Securing willing cooperation of employees through motivation, participation, grievance handling, etc.

(iv) Effective utilization of available human resources.

(v) Ensuring that enterprise will have in future a team of competent and dedicated employees.

(ii) Social Significance

Social significance of HRM lies in the need satisfaction of personnel in the organization. Since these personnel are drawn from the society, their effectiveness contributes to the welfare of the society. Society, as a whole, is the major beneficiary of good human resource practice.

(i) Employment opportunities multiply.

(ii) Eliminating waste of human resources through conservation of physical and mental health.

(iii) Scare talents are put to best use. Companies that pay and treat people well always race ahead of others and deliver excellent results.

(iii) Professional Significance

Professional significance of HRM lies in developing people and providing healthy environment for effective utilization of their capabilities.

This can be done by:

(i) Developing people on continuous basis to meet challenge of their job.

(ii) Promoting team-work and team-spirit among employees.

(iii) Offering excellent growth opportunities to people who have the potential to rise.

(iv) Providing environment and incentives for developing and utilizing creativity


Functions and Importance of HRM (2024)


What are the importance and functions of HRM? ›

What are the Functions of Human Resource Management? The Functions of Human Resource Management (HRM) are to improve the value of leadership potential, top talent, employee retention rate, company goals, and the company's long-term manageability at a higher maturity level than the one currently in place.

Why is HR function important? ›

It helps create a positive work culture.

Programs related to training, development, work-life balance, and diversity and inclusion are all components of a well-run HR function, and they help create a culture that boosts employee engagement, retention, and performance.

Which HRM function is most important? ›

Function 1: Recruiting, hiring, and onboarding

This is arguably the human resource department's most important function of all. The HR department is responsible for strategizing exactly how to attract, select, and onboard candidates for the organization.

What are the four main functions of HRM? ›

To sum up, the four key functions of HRM are: Planning, Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, and Employee Relations. Each function is important in its own right and plays a vital role in the successful running of any organization.

What are the HR functions and explain each briefly? ›

It is tasked with maximizing employee productivity and protecting the company from any issues that may arise within the workforce. HR responsibilities include compensation and benefits, recruitment, retention, firing, and keeping up to date with any laws that may affect the company and its employees.

Why are human resources important? ›

HR plays a key role in developing, reinforcing and changing the culture of an organisation. Pay, performance management, training and development, recruitment and onboarding and reinforcing the values of the business are all essential elements of business culture covered by HR.

What are the six main functions of HRM? ›

The six main function of HR are recruitment, workplace safety, employee relations, compensation planning, labor law compliance and training.

What are the 5 C's of HRM? ›

Engaging Employees Using 5C's: Care, Connect, Coach, Contribute & Congratulate.

What are the 5 P's of HRM? ›

The 5P's HR Model:

The 5P's HR Model focuses on five key components: Philosophy, Policies, Programs, Practices, and Performance. This model emphasizes the importance of having a clear HRM philosophy that aligns with the organization's goals and objectives.

What is the main role of HR? ›

HR's primary activities include recruitment, administration, compensation and benefits, training and development, employee relations and performance management. However, they often do much more. The following includes some of the different responsibilities of an HR department.

What is the most basic and important HR function? ›

Recruiting, hiring and retaining talent

Talent acquisition is one of the more well-known functions of any HR department. Making sure the workforce capabilities and performance match organizational goals is crucial for the health of the company.

What are the five main tasks of a human resource manager? ›

There are five typical HR functions: talent management, compensation and benefits, training and development, compliance, and worker safety. The different areas of HR have a lot of crossover between different HR duties and other departments.

Which is an important function of human resources management in Quizlet? ›

It administers the various benefit programs (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on). It helps line managers comply with equal employment and occupational safety laws, and plays an important role in handling grievances and labor relations.

Why are human factors important in HRM? ›

Why is it important? Human factors is important because it helps make work more efficient, effective and safe. Organisations that address human factors will ensure the machines and equipment are easy and safe to use for their workers.

What is the importance of studying human resource management? ›

Studying HRM equips professionals with the skills to strategically manage human capital, aligning individual goals with organizational objectives. This knowledge becomes especially crucial for HR leaders who need to create a workforce that not only meets current needs but also supports the company's long-term vision.

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