Princeton Daily Clarion from Princeton, Indiana (2024)

THREE PRINCETON CLARION-NEWS, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1927 REDS WILL PLAY OLYMPIANS HERE IIAZLETON FAILS TO HOLD MARGIN A PRACTICAL PLAN SPECIAL SALE JAN. 29-FED. 12 RADIOS, New uiitl I'sctl See l'g for Bargain lit New ami Princeton Buick Co. Incorporated Next to Trattion Station COUNTY RESULTS (Kvansyillc), 37: Owens- fynihlaiui, Hfi; Frmirisro, 19. Mt.

Oliiius, llatleton, 2i. IlamVtatlt, 21; New Harmony, 18. Spin on, oli Oakland it)-. 2(1. 11.

Brain h. 21; ML Vecnon, 20. TONIGHT Mt. Olympus at Prineetoii. Franklin at Owensvllle.

IVtmbnrx Franilst'O. IMWSR AND PRINCETON SECONDS WILL MEET IN (TRTUN. RAISER for practical iM'ople Is tn principle work of this bank, Wo have a plan for every purse and we try to give every cover on our list the no i in Inn king uml encouragement -u-tlllcd to. So don't thluk you Lave to sacrifice to save. It may seeta that wuy ut lrt but not nfter (b habit Is formed.

Tbeu it bKomw pleusure. Lvt'H adopt the pructleul puts. The Farmers National Bank I FADS AT HALF lit OLYM-M 1TLI.S AHEAD IN' FINAL SESSION I1AZI.KTON, Feb. 12. lla.lo-lon had 14 to 13 advantage at IU" BASKETBALL SCORES College liiitler, 40; Willing 22.

Hiiimver, 81 5 Earl hum, 17. llo 12! Indiana Central. Ib'Pouw, 41 (hVilin, 'V). Franklin. Manchester, Higli School Tevhniea (iidiannpolln), 2d; l'l- wood, Shortrldgo (IndlnnBindU), 47: Morton 84.

Wingate, S4; Covington, an. IhinvlUe, 471 ltrnall, 2T. Colmnblis, (Jreeusburg, 27. Coiiiiersvtlle. Itlishville, Lebanon, 42! Rloomlngton.

22. Orleans, 22; Hlooutfleld, 20. Krnnklin, 111; Frankfort, S7; Crawfordsvllle. St. Logansport.

4(1; Newcastb. 22. Bedford, Martinsville, 3tJ (double RENT A BOX middle of the game hero Friday night but Mt. Olympus tiiL'w and SPURGEON RALLY then went ahead in the second half to HUDSON ESSEX MOTOB CARS $Urie, Auto Supplies vai Car Washing PRINCETON M'DSON-ESSEX CO. 221-230 South Main Street DEFEATS ACORNS Mt.

Olympus will be in action on the Princeton floor tonight, fresh from a victory over the Hazleton team Friday night- The contest Is the only one of the week for the Princeton team. The Beds are back In form after a layoff nt the start of the week uml the team Is ready to turn In a good performance against thv Mountaineer tonight. Tub game will start at 8 o'clock, following a preliminary game Mwccn the teuius of Princeton tuid Itosso of Evunsville which will start tit 7. Vaughn Russell will referee the uuilu go. win a H2 to 21 victory.

The entire Mt. Olympus offensive was good for baskets from the tleld. Huzletoii used combinations in mi effort to check the attack. Mt. Olympus (32) FU IT TP overtime).

PIKE CHAMPIONS SPI RT IN LAST MIMTES TO WIN 32-26 VICTORY Decker, f. Whitihouse. 3 1 Best Gibson County Meats For Bought and Sold PRINCETON COAL CONSUMERs'cOAL CO. DR. BOREN Call 389 OSTEOPATH b- t.i MILLER HWD.

CO. iii Fl PREMIER "SERVICE" GARAGE 218-220 N. Main Phone 498 Seymour. Mi flrpetifleld, M. Luwreneebnig, 3.1; Versailles, 13.

Delphi, 40; Montict'Uo, JW. FroeU'l (tlary), 42; Marion, 20. Noblesvllh. f0; Mooresville, 22. Shelbyvllle, 27; Anderson.

21. Valparaiso, 27; Plymouth, Washington Catholle. Fvunsvlllo June, it OAKLAND 1'ITY, Feb. J2. Spurgeoii.

'ike comity champions broke with basket barrage in the last minutes of play, hero Friday night to Catholie, 27. (i it it (i (i (i 0 0 Kolh, 2 MoUoberts, 0 Fitlilnn, Haleton CM) Wtit*on. McFot ridge, Onyott, 2 Shniise, 5 Barnest defeat Oakland City, "2 to 2k ADDITIONAL SPORTS NEWS MAY BE FOUND ON PAGE SLX Evunsville Central Kokotno. Hartford City, Alexandria, 10. Linton, 41; SM'iieer, Cambridge City, Ilagerstown, Wiushtw, 41; Petersburg, 20.

P.lutrton. 3S: Liberty Center. 21. Genuine Ford Batteries 12.00 Auman Auto Sales Co. The Acorns were out in front, with only four minutes of play left, but the Spirgoon rally nave the l'ike tenia the TRY CLARION-NEWS WANT ADS FOR RESULTS Cilhert.

2 ad ami a decisive margin la the clos illg lltolllI'Mls. Jamestown, HH: F.rownslmrg. 2S. OtterlH'in, 42; Earl Park, 4'. Wilson, 0 Ilegelihiirt.

(I Powers. Acorn scoring ace. was held in check, ooiintiiiir only four baskets. of Spurgcon delivered ten two- TRIBE FALTERS HOPPE TAKE LEAD OVER CHALLENGER FOR KALE One fchuliprt Piano, in (ioad Condition, (heap. I THE RADIO SHOP 211 W.

Broadway l'lione 27 pdntcrs. Oakland City (2fi) FO IT TP Tooley, 2 0 4 Powers, -1 1 12 IN SECOND HALF Falls, 0 0 IIollclilliS. i BOSTON. Feb. 12.

(IP) Willie lloppe. champion of the world Qwelve years OF Dependability OWENSVIIXE HOUS ADVANTAGE at 1S.2 bulk line billiards, was leading' Wheeler. 1 2 Spurgeon (32) Calo, 1(1 1 21 IN FIRST PERIOD Rl'T LOSES, 36-22 his challenger, 'Wolker -lirnn. of Los Angeles' today l.lMio to 70." in Oougnii, fi TONEY-ROTHSCH1LD MOTOR CO. Chevrolet Dealers North Dart, Oppo.

Southern Depot Phone 130 three-day l.fillO -point title inalcli. en nie from hehind hist nisht tu over- Murdetle, 1 1 Ji Woolwlae. 2 (Jtlltfl fl lull! i.r iillcil in liv Cochran OWENSVILLR, Fob. 12. Ow Fowler, 0 0 0 lit their tirst encounter Thursi ensville's nttnek lost nil Its steam in I tele roe fiergoss, Kviinsviilo.

the second bulf here Friday night nnd enabled Hosse high of Fvansvlllo to FT. BRANCH WINS mark up a P.7 to 32 win nfter poor VULCANIZING "We Do It" SIMPSON TIRE BATTERY CO. 220 South Main Street start. FROM MT. VERNON Seven players who had been reported suspended were bnek; on the sjpiud and the only effect of the re 1 HIM 'JWTf fflgas! MttggH wEEnaEsasxrzsgxssEt ported Riisjicnsion was out in the FT.

rtUAXCH, Feb. 12. Ft, encountered opposition KtroiiR-er than expected from the Mt. Vernon crowd. Only regular followers of the team were willing to pay to see Hosse's five lure Friday night but the Twigs weiv out in front most of the way.

to advertised second tenm In action Owensvllle's attack had things go $10 tp $300 Money Loaned 10 T0 $300 No matter for what useful purpose you way need money, If yon are housekeeping you can get It from us at a low lawful rate. We are bonded to the state. Ail Interest charges under state rgulation. Easy payment piano. LOANS TO HOUSEKEEPERS, $10 TO $300 Recent laws hate changed the operation of the small loan offices.

Thou Bands of homes have been heljted and made happy through loans In emergencies. Call on our manager and let him explain our plans to yon. 1 1-00 MO. REPAYS 20 LOAN ing the Klcknpoo's way at the start of the game and Jtossc was trailing nl most hopelessly in few minutes. The count favored Owensvllle 11 to 2 when win a 21 to 20 victory.

v- Tlio tennis hattled on even terms during the first few minutes' of the Ft. drew uhend after the count was even at 3-o, and nt the half the Twijrs led, 17 to 12. Kcorlng was nt a reduced In the second halt' with the Twigs holding their advantage. The Mt. Vernon girls defeated the Ft.

Iinmcli girls, 12 to fl. Bosse called a conference. That I 2.50 MO. REPAYS 50 LOAN brought results and the Bull Dogs' to 5.00 MO. REPAYS $100 LOAN tal began to mount.

The )mlf saw NO FEES-NO FINES 110.00 MO. REPAYS $200 LOAN Bosse bring the score to 17 to 13 on a $15.00 MO. REPAYS $300 LOAN foul pitch and also saw the retirement of Hurt, Owensvllle center, on four per sonata. With lawful Interest. Other amounts In proportion.

If not convenient to call write or phone. Information cheerfully fWe without obligation. TELEPHONE 52 POPULAR FINANCE CORPORATION Takes I-ead Bosse cnged three in a row at the The public always wants to know. You furnish the ad; The Clarion-New will furnish the readers for It. Princeton, Indiana 1054 S.

Main. 2nd Floor, Room 3. start of the second half. The teams struggled along for minutes with Ow ensvllle trying dosjierately to over JSVX; i A' ft copie a 22 to 20 load held by the vIhI- tors but the efforts were In vain. Ow ensvllle scored only one field goal dnr It was Dodge Brothers distinction, twelve years ago, to create a more dependable car in its price class than previously had been known.

This enviable leadership Dodge Brothers have rigidly maintained. Wherever difficult conditions try the souls of men and the stamina of motor cars, you will find Dodge Brothers product foremost in favor. You will find also that six, eight and even ten years of service are not exceptional for the car; that frequently it delivers mileage running well into six figures; and that maintenance cost is remarkably low throughout its long and useful life. These facts powerfully witness Dodge Brothers success in constantly bettering a product that was exceptional even at the start Touring Car 875 Coupe 930 Standard Sedan 980 Special Sedan 1035 De Luxe Sedan 1165 Delivered A ing the half and the Evunsville tenm ran Its advantage to fifteen points, wlilh Owensvllle was scoring two r' jw-'w- points on a foul pitches. tWauwpw 'L Owensvllle lost control of the ball it the tiixiff when Hurt went out and the team quit its passing attack for long shots in the last half.

That, ns has been Indicated previously, was in effective. Bosse showed a good brand of floorwork, under the basket. mwmi'i fir? Oyvensvillo seconds defeated Bosse seconds, 12-7. Franklin, which conquered Washing ton Friday night, will play at Owens TP r'Fartlh er than ever beybnd 2 0 11 the reach, of, imitation fl vllle tonight. Kosse (37) I Fitch, 1 Varden, 0 Mann, 5 Mngan, 4 Dose, 0 McBrlde, 4 Baldwin, 2 Owensville (22) Terry, 1 Knowles, 3 Hurt, I Garret, 2 Wilson, fj Higglnhothfun, 0 Moore, 0 FT 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 3 3 0 1 82S Every one knows that when announced a year ago, the Pon-tiac Six was an extraordinary automotive development.

The General Motors Re search Staff pioneered Pontiac Six basic design. The great General Motors Proving 1 0 5 2 7 7 3 0 1 EiJANarCOUPt Obviously, the Pontiac Six was then beyond duplication. Obviously, it is today still farther beyond the reach of imitation because the Pontiac Six now carries this important additional attraction to buyers: In a period of more than a year, it has served tens of thousands of owners in performance, reliability and economical operation, to degree of satisfaction far beyond their Hochstettler, Terre Haute; umpire Wutt, Princeton. Ground provided an unparalleled opportunity to perfect that design without regard to time or cost. And General Motors combined purchasing power assured minimum costs on quality materials.

Fisher-Armstrong Auto Co. fondest expectations! IIS East Emerson Phone 683 USED AUTO PARTS AND TIRES PRINCETON JUNK I HIDE CO. Phone 307 113 W. Emerson Pontiac Six, $825 to $97 5. OaUatuJ Six, S102S to 31295.

Allprtat mt factory, hodia Fuhtt, Etuy totnyontht liberal General Moton Tim Payment Ptun. BETTER AUTO SALES Swain SAM MAUCK, Phone 425 Associate Dealer R. T. Slmults Sales Service, Ft. Branch, Ind.

Associate Dealer Oakland City Auto Sales Co Oakland City, Ind. We Also Sell Dependable Used Can Dodge- Brothers MOTOR CARS START EASY Premier Gasoline and Oils Will Do It.

Princeton Daily Clarion from Princeton, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.