San Angelo Standard-Times from San Angelo, Texas (2024)

San SAN Angelo, Texas, ANGELO Sunday STANDARD Morning, April TIMES' 19, 1970 GARDEN TIPS WEEK'S QUOTES Voting, IRS Among Topics By The Associated Press Some quotable quotes from women during the week: "It makes me so damn mad I can't stand it. I want you to crucify Fulbright and that's Martha Mitchell, wife of Atty. Gen. John Mitchell, in a telephone call to the Arkansas Gazette complaining about Sen. J.

W. Fulbright's voting against Supreme Court nominee G. Harrold Carswell. Mitchell "No longer can the IRS arrogantly demand a taxpayer's books and papers. I have pleaded the Fifth thou and do likewise." -Vivien after winning a court fight to financial records out of the Internal Revenue Service.

"One philosophy professor Ferguson. When we're being -Maureen Ferguson, freshman first women undergraduates in Amendment. Go Kellems, keep her hands of the Kellems insists on calling me Mr. informal, he calls me coed at Princeton, one of the the school's history. "I found that as a woman you have to demonstrate your ability in this business rather than it just being assumed.

I think when there are more women in the business, that will go M. Northcutt, the only woman to hold a major engineering job in the field of orbital calculations connected with the Apollo program. "I wish I were more calculating on stage, I'm so completely involved, if I'm a part where I'm dying of TB or something horrible like that, I'm impossible to be around. It's fine if I'm doing Gretel. Then life is a ginerbread house all the singer Teresa Stratas, in an interview.

Designer Of Fasteners Is Fashion Field VIP OAKVILLE, Conn. (AP) James Kruger can stand right up there with the Diors, Brooks, Gernreichs, Norells and Trigeres as a trend-setter in the glamorous world of female fashion. James Kruger? Well, it's true he's nobody in haute couture. He's won no fashion awards; none of his creations are pictured in magazines, nor are his designs displayed in store windows. As division head of engineering for a company which is a leading maker of findings for the garment industry, Kruger is a key person in the design.

and manufacture of special fasteners for lingerie. Without these special fasteners the style trend toward sleekness, comfort and Super Salesmen Need Close Look By REX STULTZ TGC Asst. Agriculture Agent Each spring seems to bring out a new crop of itinerant peddlers who attempt to foist their sub-standard products, services, and cures upon the gardening public. Beware of plants, seeds and chemicals that are advertised as having a "super" potential. Many selfproclaimed tree surgeons are using scare tactics to convince the home owner that there is something wrong with his tree.

The peddlers of "magic" top soil mulches or fertilizers frequently bring in more problems than they solve. The vast majority of gardeners and nurserymen are honest. reliable businessmen who will give true value for the money received. Some basic rules for separating the legitimate businessmen from those who aren't: Give first consideration to local businessmen who have a reputation to uphold and have addresses where they can always be contacted. You can always check their rating with the Better Business Bureau or Chamber of Commerce before you agree to use their service.

buying anything, get an agreement in writing no matter how simple the job is. Have seller state exactly what he will furnish and what he will do. pay cash in advance. Read the fine print in the mail-order brochures and catalogs. Often the small size of the plant is the reason why the price looks so attractive.

viability of plants having low, prices. If stems are shriveled, buds dry, or roots dry they may not be a bargain after all." Plant geraniums for color. Geraniums are excellent plants for mass effects in the landscape. They may be planted any time after the night temperatures remains above 50 degrees. Geraniums are easily grown and will tolerate a wide range of conditions provided sound, healthy plants are obtained.

Plants of the new AllAmerica Seed Selections should be available in the nursery and garden center outlets at this time. Plants grow from seed will usually provide a source of diseasefree plants for your garden. These All-America Seed Selections include the following varieties: Care-free. Bright Pink, Carefree Deep Salmon, and Care-free Deep Scarlet. Any good, well-drained soil with several inches of coarse peat moss spaded into the top six inches will produce good geraniums.

Two to three pounds of complete fertilizer, such as 8-8-8 or 12-12-12 per 100 feet should be incorporated into the soil with the peat moss. Even though the plants are ASK ANN Overweight Relative Needs No Nagging obseity is hurting the family is interesting, indeed. Interesting, too, that you did not identify relationship. I'll bet a dollar drachma she's your daughter and at the bottom of her eating problem is a mother who has been nagging the very life out of her. DEAR ANN LANDERS: No doubt you've had plenty of beefs from housewives who didn't like your advice on delivery men who track mud in the house.

You said they shouldn't be asked to remove their shoes even after the lady made it plain it does no good to ask them to use the doormat because they still ruin the rugs. She went on to say, "Delivery men are getting ruder and less considerate all the time which is not surprising, since the quality of people as well as goods and services are I happened to run across a company directive dated Oct. 28, 1911. It was from the Chicago Bell Telephone plant superintendent to the service employes. I quote from it herewith: "When you enter a residence don't overlook the foot-mat.

If requested to go around to the back door don't consider yourself insulted. Try to realize that the lady of the house may not have a maid and she is trying to save work for herself. And if the lady tells you her phone is no good, don't agree with her. Say, "Your phone is as good as anybody's." Then go ahead and make sure it It's true, Ann, the more things change the more they are the same. LAKE FOREST DEAR LAKE.

Thanks for the reminder. And now if someone at the telephone company can do something about an error in a computerized bill, I'd appreciate it very much. CONFIDENTIAL to Hard Luck Henrietta: It's not your luck that's hard, honey, it's your head. Obviously you have a chip on your shoulder, which usually indicates wood higher up. Stop blaming "circ*mstances," "relatives" and "jealous friends." Accept responsibility for yourself and Miss Fredda Jane McCabe Married Saturday In Angelo Church Rite First Baptist Church in San Angelo was setting for the Saturday wedding of Miss Fredda Jane McCabe and Pfc.

Ben Wayne Webb. The Rev. Dr. Gordon Clinard, pastor, officiated. Mrs.

Webb is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McCabe of Silver. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Grey Webb of Crane. Mrs. Herman McLaughlin was organist and John Ed Carlson, vocalist. Mrs. Bobby Northeutt of Colorado City, sister of the bride, was matron of honor.

Mrs. Gary Adco*ck of Dallas and Miss Cheryl Turner were bridesmaids. Groomsmen included Fred Webb of Whitesboro, brother of the bridegroom, and Lynn Tipton of Crane. David Northcutt of Colorado City aisle attendant. Ushers were Bobby Northcutt of Colorado City, Kirk Looney Jr.

and Everett McDouglas of Crane and Kenneth Harris of Houston. The bride wore a gown of silk organza with yoke of venise lace. A band of the lace trimmed the Empire lines of the gown and cuffs of the sleeves. small when you set them out, be sure to allow ample space for them to grow and develop. A minimum of 15 inches should be allowed between plants.

If the plants, are watered and fertilized regular intervals, they will soon provide a solid blanket of green foliage topped with attractive flowers over the entire bed. Although it is often advocated, pinching the top out of geranium plants is not necessary if ample room provided to start with. It is only crowded plants that produce the tall, leggy growth. Kathy Shuffield To Be Married Mr. and Mrs.

Lester B. Shuffield of 2734 Junius have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Kathy Jean Shuffield, to Worthey O. Brisco son of Mr. and Mrs. W.

O. Brisco of 3721 Travis. Miss Shuffield is a senior in San Angelo Central High School and her fiance is a senior in Lake View High School. The couple will be married Aug. 21 in Baptist Temple Church.

Every room in the house is cool with electric air conditioning Any time of the day or night, in any room in the house, Mrs. James Wood is comfortably cool, because her home is cooled electrically! Yours can be, too. Remodel to it. Do it now, before the hot weather rush. Choose: Central System or Room Air Conditioners Each is economical to operate See your electric contractor or electric appliance dealer Live carefree way with Famous Frigidaire Electric Appliances See them at WTU Equal West Texas Utilities Employer Opportunity Company an owned investor company KATHY SHUFFIELD Sets August date DEAR ANN LANDERS: A close relative who is married one small child She is grossly, overweight.

under 30, looks 45, has a pretty face, and wears lovely clothes. In spite of her wardrobe, the girl is repulsive with all that fat. Every time she comes to visit she looks heavier than before. I cringe at the sight of her. Don't tell me it's none of my business.

This girl's gluttony has made i her look like a baby elephant. She is a source of embarrassment to the entire family everyone except her husband, that Sundever doesn't seem to notice. said, "Love is blind" knew what he was talking about. How can those of us who love this fat slob motivate her to lose 50 or more ugly pounds? NO FAT HERE DEAR NO: You sound as if you have quite a lot of fat yourself between the ears. A young women who is 50 pounds overweight is a compulsive eater with deep pychological problems.

The best thing you can do is keep quiet. Your notion that the girl's The engineering accomplishments that Kruger has been instrumental in developing include flat two-piece closures for front-opening bras; detachable links for removal of shoulder straps in some brassiere styles; links for holding looped stockings to girdies, replacing bulky garters; "hardware" for combination lingerie, and flat plastic buckles for lingerie backs which are warmer on bare skin than metal and are more comfortable when the wearer sits on hard-backed chairs. No, Kruger doesn't create fashion, but without him, and others in the fastening field, such words as "decollete" "strapless," "see-through" would represent frustration rather than creation for the fashion designers. start working toward some decent goals. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Who decides when to eat, when to get up and when to go to bed? The guests or the hosts? My in-laws spent four days with us and before they left my husband told them that the next time they come they'll have to stay in a hotel.

This is what happened. They never got up before 10:30. We were up with our children at 7:30. This meant I had to fix a second breakfast at 11 a.m. Naturally they weren't ready for lunch at noon SO I had to fix a second lunch at 3.

This meant they couldn't eat dinner with us at 6, SO I had to fix a second dinner at 8. I was exhausted cooking six meals a day and doing dishes around the clock. This is why my husband told them that next time they'll have to stay in a hotel. Now they are mad. Was it worth a family Northeutt freedom of movement would not be possible.

It is his job to study the needs of lingerie manufacturers and then help develop the brass, steel, aluminum and plastic buckles, slides, links and rings that simplify size adjustment, make putting on and taking off easier, hold firm, live through the washing machine, eliminate bumps and bulges under the material, come in hundreds of colors and reduce manufacturing costs. After consulting with his marketing people on the fastener requirements of lingerie manufacturers, Kruger designs prototypes for thorough testing. Then he sets up the most economically possible manufacturing procedures for the perfected item. A MRS. BEN WAYNE WEBB The former Miss Fredda McCabe breakup? INDIANAPOLIS DEAR IN: No.

Your Stratas mother-in-law could have fixed her own breakfast and lunch and you and your husband could have fed the kids at 6 and waited until 8 and eaten with his parents. Since they stayed only four days you could have been more gracious. After all, they are his parents and I wouldn't be surprised if they put themselves out for him on more than one occasion. Mend the quarrel and pass the peace pipe. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am better qualified than you, Ann Landers, to answer the Modesto wife whose husband breaks things during fits of temper.

Your husband doesn't behave that way and mine does, so please step aside and let an authority speak. When Dan and I were going together he used to behave like Mr. Modesto. Almost every piece of furniture in his apartment had been broken during one of his angry spells, I thought when he owned his home he'd take pride in his possessions and things would be different. I was wrong.

Already he has knocked fist holes through two doors. The bottom partitions of three others, have been kicked through. I must hang pictures in the craziest places to cover up his "temper spots." A few months ago the baby wouldn't stop crying SO he put her on the sofa and broke up her crib. I am thankful Dan has never hit me but it's depressing to see busted furniture all over the place. Time never cured anything, Ann, so please don't give Mrs.

Modesto or anyone else false hope. TEMPER'S WIFE DEAR WIFE: I told Mrs. Modesto her husband was responding to anger in an infantile manner and if he didn't outgrow it by the time he married, he needed professional help. The same advice can be applied to your little boy. And you can tell him I said so.

The reception was in the church parlor. The houseparty included Mrs. Willie McDaniel and Mrs. J. F.

McCabe of Robert Lee along with Mrs. Victor McCabe of Silver, aunts of the bride. Others were Mrs. Clifford Wilson of Silver, Mrs. Jack Barrett of Midland.

Miss Lucille Owens of Colorado City, Miss Linda Buxkemper, Miss Ellen Turnbow, Miss Donna Sharp, Miss Patty Webb of Alpine, sister of the bridegroom; Mrs. Fred Webb of Whitesboro, sister-in-law of the bridegroom. from Colorado City High School and attended University College of North Wales at Bangor, Wales; Sul Ross State University and Angelo State University. The bridegroom was graduated from Crane High School and SRSU with a bachelor's degree in range and animal science. Currently a U.

S. Army veterinarian technologist, he is stationed at Ft. Hood in Killeen, where the couple will live. Mrs. Webb was graduated Mr.

and Mrs. Grey Webb were hosts for the rehearsal dinner in Rio Concho Manor. Prayer Retreat Set Thursday KERRVILLE (SC) Annual prayer retreat for the Women of the Presbyterian Church will be from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Thursday at the Divide Chapel near Mountain Home.

"A Heart Full of Everlastings" will be the theme of the program which will consist of Scripture, prayer and devotional meditations. Those attending will take sack lunches. Cars will be provided at 9 a.m. at the First Presbyterian Church in for those needing transportation..

San Angelo Standard-Times from San Angelo, Texas (2024)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

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Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.