The Five : FOXNEWSW : July 31, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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ycle. have you seen it, by the way? happy birthday, grandma! really? look how the brushstrokes follow the line of the gas tank. -hey! -hey! brought my plus-one. jamie? of brushstrokes, follow the line to the gas tank. >> hey. hey, robert. plus, one. >> jamie, there is this real sense of excitement. he's got a gun. >> and then we heard the shots. the secret service could have screamed. get trump down in the ground now! fraud, negligence and incompetence. these are the best ocean rescue teams on planet earth. you want to be a lifeguard? this is the real deal. hello, everyone.

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i'm judge jeanine pirro, along with harold ford junior. jesse watters, dana perino and cyrus. it's 5:00 in new york city. and this question so, think of that for asked in such a horrible manner of first question.[a you don'udt even say hello or hw are you i was invited here andto told my opponent whether bidendn

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work harris was told my opponeni would be here it turned out myun opponent isn't here i was invited on the false pretense and then edit -- and then you said i couldn't do it was in. i have been the best president for the black population since abraham o >> jubilee vice president kamala harris is only on the ticket because she's a black woman week. >> she all was indian all the wt then all of a sudden she made a toturn and became a black perso. >> to be clear. - >> and think som-e but he shoul look at thatin you believe thate president kamala. >> they conveyed there are. >> so we have you for a limited time, sir. i'd love to move on to a different excuse you. you're thethe on one that held me up for 35 minutes. just so you knows., kamala harre was supposed to sit with the same panel but had schedulingscu

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issues. the organization is hopingling to have her join in september, but that didn't stop trump from thg her in the conversation. >> would you consider taking? the cognitive test? mr. president, i would love to make it public. i wi, i've alreadyresident publf them, but i'll do it again. i see. how are you? intendit again? i suggested harris that. let's take one. i said, joe and i will go and take a cognitive test now.i i do it with her, too. i i would do it with her also. you know what? she felt her log jam. she didn't pass xam, dida log jo maybe she wouldn't pass the cognitive test. >> far. and nabj president ken lemon defending trump's invitation. >> before the event, whee invitd both of them. we got a yes fro e toe of them. we'd love to get a yes from kamala as well, us as journalists, people who go intlo and have very uncomfortable conversations for the sake of our members. ersationthis is an important tie and some people are disappointed. i understandrs people are upset. it is our job also to offer

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that opportunity for thoseo be candidates to be here. >> all right, tyrus, i'll start with you. so 35 minutes late, he has to wai35 minutt. he's told his opponent is going to be there. she's not there. somebody there's a lot of objection to his even being there. the co-chair of the even even bt apparently resigned, stepped down. down. modicum of respect , he says. >> but how do you think he did? phenomenal. you knowdid?: what? it's amazing. you can break it down to this since they like to group since is blackblack a voters and white voters and black this and black then white this and whit we tha. but when they had an event, he showed up, the democrats didn't. so that should that should mean somethin g. and they made him wait. they made him late. did he leave? re w withinve been his reason being, listen, i'm running for president of the united states. , fohe my time is valuable. he could have left. he didn't. ulted. he showed up. he was insulted. but here's the thing. i don't judge by. she was there. for what? that reporter. i'm not callinrter -- nog her a

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journalist was there for one reason to get talking soundbitesre for the democrats,e trying to get him to be mean and nasty and literally withinad a minute, that's all they came out with talking about. but here's the thing. he called her ou here i t on it. ctin but the crowd they were expecting when sheg wh said that there'd be huge cheers and boos and all this stuffl of thi. and they were listening to what he had to say. and there was a few times that people yelled out times pee yeah, until. so their narrative does not crowle no h the american peopleo matter what color the crowd is. so that's what thethat'sy should really be concerned with. but he went there. he knew how it was going to be. kngo he answered questions.he he was there. he was present. he showed up and i was i thought his statements. it was great. and he didn't allow them to changhe didn'angee the narras get him. he he was exactly who he was supposed to be . >> and this was a big day for. him. and, you know, dana, what about the fact that trumpoh has gone to places where republican candidates have avoidedto , i mean, south bronx, harlem? he went here, he waited. yeah. so is it. i admire that. right. because you can sa

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y a lot, of things about the trump fans. take it if you like, and we don't like them, whatever. but they're out there working for it. they're working hard and maybetw the numbers are going to even out. but before biden pulled out,oute one of the things we talked about regularly, which is the numbers that were collapsing blacbiden on the black vote, for example. so he wo, fon like 91% of then black vote in 2020. trump had hi2020.m getting aboun think that biden was down like 73%. so the republican party doesn'te need to win all of the black vote in order to win. they need to win. more than they have before. and so addition is better than subtraction when iadditiont coms to politics. and again, they're working for agit. thing is, yes, it's probablys, o you're goingba to get some hostile questions. you got to be ready for them. i worked for a boss who ifnot people were running late, and id not like it at all. and i don't blame him for pushing back on that. i do wonder how much video.oplew right?

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because not a lot of people watch things on television diffssarily anymorlevisione. this will be sliced and diced into 100 different ways. but i think that the factant. that he went there is important. she could have gone. she could e decided not to. she had it. she's at sheila jackson lee funeral today. so i get neral to that she's going to do another sorority event. but where are the journalists clamoring for her to do a press conference? i the's no demand that kamala harris start answering a bunch of questions. i think that if she had gone sh she would have gotten some pretty tough questions and she probably would not have been able ldn't ha to answer them jeani well. one of the things, harold, that donald trump hane: one s ie support among black voters than any other presidential candidate has has had a republican republican presidential candidate has had. do you expect that's going to continue or do you think kamala harris takes some of that from him? you a well, it's good to see yound.oud it's good to get back around the table. has been a while the. th what i'd say a couple of things. i agree largely with what tires and dana have said. ow i think, number one, i don't know how as a journalist, er acp

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you could be surprised that someone either accepts your invitation or declines your invitation. and justjust because one of the people accepts the invitation and it might be a persos thtion, itn whom yoy personally have issues with or disagree with, but if you're part of an organization, the second year journalists organization, this is nost t a cooking organization. this is not an organization of electricians who are wonderful, valuable people. but these are journalists. it's like, what can i think is a lemon? but he said, we have an uncomfortable job of asking tough questions. soking tou q if you invite some in your journalist, presumably to to interview thema joesumabl you shouldn't resign from the organization because tionthe person who you werersony less inclined to agree with accepts and the person you're inclineoud to agree to ae with declines to. i'u can'e witht control when you're being interviewed. i've been in and i've never run for president. i ran fo never r the senate. before i went before groupss of interviewers and journalists who i knew did not hold my positions and might be a little hostiles anbe a l to me.t and i never opened up by saying, i wish you'd said hello to me. i wish een nice you would have been nie to me.

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i thought he missed an opportunitt he misy to praise.ue i disagree slightly with with tara's in this regard. i would have just laid allings t all the things i watched a lot of, but i would have just laid out all the things that you've done president believes that he's done to help black votershelp bla, help black americans. i certainly would not have questioned whether or notqi kamala harris is black or she's. and i thought because the mistake and i mean, look, i agree with you wholeheartedly e. wheim going ther going but dana made the point also and i agree, when you go before these thingsn is te point of a political exercise is to gain more voters. and i'd be curiouser i to know,n, to answer your question, if they actually believed if his team because they pulled him after about 35 minutes and he was supposed to be there for an hour, if they believehisc he actually gained voters in this process, it just excite are d the voters that he maylreh already have. now, he in his last election , got i think, got it.r was it eight or 9% of the african american vote? he obviouslyafrica is making an intentional effort, has made an intentional decision to go after black voters in a more agi more aggressive way, meaning he wants more of theveantsm. an' >> and i'm not convincedi that if i were him, i wouldther

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have handled it like this. i thought that was a probably a more effective waywae to hand it. but i give him credit for goingn and i give him c creditr sitting there and but i don't i don't quite know if i he achieved if i was his adviser, i'd sit back and say, if we h i don't know if wed that one right. >> what do you actually mean? obviously, he stol e the news gotten cycle. carmona's gotten great press over the last week and a half and he just rippedgreat pr itd right back and put it right on his camp. he did that. this was a brave move. everybody sees this black, white, hispanic. you're looking at a guy that talksh*te, hi straight, isl and is courageous. he goes right into the lion's destraightn and treats everybodi the same. doesn't matter if he's a black woman. asking the question, doef it ist matter who it is? if you disrespect him, he's going to give it he is got back tright back to yl it was a megyn kelly moment and we love meghan. if you hav e a tough questionhe like that right out of the gate, he took it u p or deck. and that's what everybody like to see. now, if you liked donald trump and you watc like donald , you're ready now. i mean, this is y noa big moment for the campaign. this was a big confrontationmpa

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in the summer and he handled it classy. it could have been much more nasty.. it was fine the way he handled it. if you're going to go in there , and say, oh, you know, maybe bei'm sorry, you know, where's that gotten us? judge? we've been so politicalle? we have y correct for the last couple of years. again, we're so afraid to offend illegal aliens. we don't raid even call them illegal aliens. >> we're afraid to germany. we're afraid of offending china. what is that gotte n us? we want a man that stands up for what he believes in. we're tire believed of these wif washy politicians. a lot of black men in theyaudience, a lo blat of white men, a lot of women lookot f at that and they may not feeeel totally comfortable, but they respect his position. now, as far as who is kamala, most of us wouldn't have gone in there and gone, oh, who is kamala harris? >> is she indian? kama, too.s jamaican not something i would have done. but he went in there and he peeledt in back the curtain anda lot of times, i think early care

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in her career, she identified tifiedas south asian. that might have been effective in california. now, she is considered anafrica african american woman. you don't hear about that. n ican womshe's not african ame, technically, because she has a jamaican dadtechni. i don't really distinguish about that stuffut. stinguis maybe other people do distinguish about this stuff. barack obama was mixed race. black he identified as black. a lot of peopl.e that i know, se who are mixed race, sometimes they identify differently tidepending on the situation. and that's great. that's fin . e. what does this do to donald trump with the black community? i havedonald t no idea how this is going to play with the black community, but i do knowe they're going to be talking about donald trump and this momenttalkin for days and days and days. >> so he's got the moment.mome got the moment. all right. coming up, kamala jh red handed flip flopping on her ideacal ideaar >> this is god's country.

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that's it. no phone calls and no wasted time. go to and terrify and save today everybody's talking about like they just can't wait to go. kamala harris flipping her stands on some top issues. >> the vice president claiming at a rally that she'issues.s actually tougher on the border than trump. >> donal her on td trump does. donald trump, on the other hand, has been talking a big game about securing our border ,but he does not walk the walk . or as my frienk. d quavo would say, he does not walk it like he talks. and when i am president, i will

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work to actually solve sol the problem. >> and this comes as an anonymous campaignveblem. campan officials are telling the new york times that harris all of a sudden support"the news frack, wants to increase border funding, does not want to requireing, doe selling assat weapons back to the government and no longer supports a single payeons back tr health insuranc. but harris might have a hardger time rebrandinsupp health g as e because of these past statements. >> there's no question i'm in favor of banning fracking. there's no question that we've got to critically reexamine ice, and we need to probably thin rk about starting from scratch. >> what would you do about the e millions of specifically mills that aren already in circulation? >> we have to have a buyback ciupportinnd i support a mandatory buyback program. >> do you support the medicare for all bill? may e it will totally eliminate private insurance. so for people out there who like their insurance, well, they don't get to keep it. >> let's eliminatey don' all of. >> let's move on. o jesse, i was thinking today about how the media has triede

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and democrats have tried to superglue that project 2025 project to donald trump. 5 preven though he says he didnt have anything to do with it, it doesn't meet the people. it doesn't like them. he's disavowed it. but the media is basically dog her past statements and saying that she doesn't have to deal with any of them. with ani'm used to it. this could last forever. yeah, i sometimer s go from thinking it could be a landslide. and then the next day i wake up and i'm saying, oh my god, it's going to be a nail biter because she hasn't done be since interviewo be a she's been the nominee. she hasn't done a real interviehas beene. sisince may. and why would she do an interview next week? why wouldn't she just wait until the convention? get the pop from the vp pick. get the pop from the convention . all of a sudden it's september and you haven't answered anything. you haven' 't ant been asked about your flip flops. you haven't been asked about your cover ups, ryou haven't been asked who you are. >> and she could get away with it. t away wit's the same hiding. biden now it's hiding. harris and now it's just

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a sprint until november. ca.n she do this for 96 days? >> probably. the media is not clamoring to get an interview. >> they want to keep her hidden so this can go on forever. and i'm not concerned, harold, but you. >> look, i'm paying attention. how should he be concernedesse:e and should jesse be concernedarl d:about what's. i think so.r for. for this reason, it's a good thing. it's a positivtheason.g, it'e te concerned, because i think when candidates on eithertes on sider both sides who are running ary, to think seriousl thoughtfully about are they credible? are they authentic? are they consisten theauthent? n and if they're not going to be consistent, voters have everery right and i agree with jesse wholeheartedly, as voters voent, noy right to seartedly, the vice president now the candidate presumptive nominee for democrats, come before the country and explain what was a change in position plain thon fracking. how did that come about? and i actually think it's constructive when construcnpoliticians have diffet opinions on issues as new facts

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and circ*mstances present themselveses. . it'd be i'd be curious to know, is it because the war ukrad us thats showee wa energy security, she thinks ybout it in a different wa than she thought about it five or six years ago. if jd and bergen. and marco rubio, who also said very negative things about president trump over the many years,ange, several years can change, and i believe they did. anhow come she can't change? but i think the way you address that and just to jesse's pointee ,she should accept the debates and the president should accept the debates that eac h of them are offering one another because the country deserves to see the vic dana: te presides a debate because the media is not going to question her. he's got to do i it. want okay. i'm sorry. i just want to play call for number three, becaus play nuk td this is interesting. this is what she said she would do on day one if she wins. if shejudge kamala harris suppos increasing the number of border patrol agents. dona a billp blocked to increase the number of border patrol agents. >> the one that i wanted said on day one, i will worko ta to take on price gouging and bring down costs.

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okay. as if she's not partbring costi biden-harris administration that caused the inflation in the first place. exwell, you know, and that's exactly the problem. she seems to forgey the prt thae is currently in office. and i find it so incredibly insulting that she says when i am president, i will workent,i to solve the problem of immigration or the sound that we just heard. are you kidding me? ddin the border czar. and the fact that big tech or the mainstream mediamainstre isg games with the democrat party again, and don't you ever think they're going to change and they're pulling out pulall indications of, her beig the border czar? >> i mean, you can't you can't just change on a dime, harold. you know, it's what. let me finish. sure. it's one thing to sa oney i'm fr this and i'm for that inan a debate, and they should debate. but she's god thd debat to sit n with someone and explain. harold, you want to attribute to her some brilliantnt u understanding as to why shend evolveere d on issues like

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you mentioned, ukraine. the only thing i can think of is when sheis was in ukraine you was when they said, will you be taking of the refugees fromeu ukraine? froshe was a little bit. and then the president of poland started to respond and he's and she says a friend in need is a frieniend id indees i mean, ifon you have a substantive reason you can give me for changing your position, i'll hear you. but otherwise you're lying. like joe biden came into office prog moderate whenjoe bide he ws a progressive. the trojan horse was full of progressives. ssive. horthey backed into the f office and they changed this country. >> that's whic cy they should-- have debates. and i'm glad. but i'm bet you accept governor burgum explanation when he said that, but not about governor busurgum --h. cause you're running for president. of course you don't. of course i got it. e abouvernor bit's like harris f a sudden, she has her solo career and she's left that. >> she's just just likeking that van halen. yeah b, exactly. >> look, she's got to do one or two things.

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she's got a completely decent al vow the last three and a halff years. say it was a complete blank show and she was handcuffed by progressives and when she gets into office, the first thing she's going to do is fire everyone froshe is gm the oldat administration. that would be a flip flop, though. everyone would be like , hmm, to okay, maybe there's some truth to that. the problem is that she wants that. anyto own it. when you go in the speech, you say, if i'm elected and if i wa sitting s sitting there way bacn the cheap seats and i raise my hand, is that a question? aren't you currently working there now? couldn't be. couldn't you jusdn't yout call d guy? >> it's not like you can't talk him into stuff him you don't just that putting that out there. so couldn't you have all thiou s stuff done between now ele and elections? that would just be easctionsy be we're just seeing what it looks like. he only works the office fro onm 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a nap and a lunch in there. so a lunch pretty much i'm clocg in at 401. ladies and gentlemen. and then. g and i'm working the night sh*t till i'm elected and i'm going to get things done. that would be great. but i don't think that's what's going to happen. and to jesse's point, i am

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paying attention to everyone saying that. and i had the secret service playing the blame game yet he blameagain as we get new vido of the shooter. >> the next thing you know, we save money like never before. just spit it out. let me slow you down on your mom. >> so don't let that chip spoil your treat that we pay you. is that a chip? >> that happens a lot, but safely could have helped a a chip. >> repair is faster, cheaper and easier than a new windshield. >> and with your insurance, it's usually free. it's usually free. so don't let that chip spoild... your trip. >>. today she's my replacement. >> we are living with a-fib >> we are living with a-fib and over 400,000 of usant. have left blood thinners behind have left blood thinners behind for life. we've cut our stroke risk

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>> you know, as a sniper, is they're looking into the crowd. and that's what our guys were doin that dayg that day. counter snipers are looking from the crowd out. 't so that wasn't their mission is to look for four snipers. if they would have told us t to go the roof, our guys were sere than prepared to go on the roof. secret service has not talked to us at allervice h about the incident. >> he did not talk directly to the secret service, then director cheatle, acting director ronald rowe they've not reached out to you. >> neither one of them. none of them. woached ouw. oh, the acting director appears to point the finger at local police, telling lawmakers that he had no answers as to why the roof was uncovered. >> law enforcement i will not and i cannot understand why there was not better coverage or at least somebody looking at that roof line when that's where they were posted.

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all right. so terrorism, they're supposed to be doing an investigationsu, the secret service right now, and they haven't even called the localthey havs. ed well, there again, we talked about this yesterday, and i almost had to do ad to do the thing. we had dana hold my hand for the first time on the show because i was about the case. i'll just keep it here. again, if it wasn't for local law enforcement, we woul iald be having a very different conversation right now. we'd all be wearing some form of black all still.f blac so again, honoring the murderk of tof a man who is running for president. so again, what bothers and what shouldr bother everyone is the lack of communication when it's supposed to be all about asking questions. right no to boutw, which means, and again, i'm not a conspiracy guy, but i feel like there's a conspiracy things starting bui to build here. they're not asking questions. my experience has alwaysld been when no one is asking questions because they already know the answer, so they won't asng k questions that no one else can get close to the answer. so what answer dtheo they know?p i'll put it that way that they don't want the rest of us to know. and whatn't want the res my big, is as this goes on, they're going to find some poor

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local law enforcement officer,en officer to try to pin this on, to try to blame, besmirch him, ruin his career, instead of what the question we should all be asking is literally, that's not even there's not a bush, there's not a tree is not a bird. there's no there's no cloudy skies. the is not overly bright. no. nobody with a high powered, just regular 20, 20 or evens judge's eyes who needs laser surgery and all that stuff for her cataract, who ne could see that dude crawling around the room. she can see that perso n has cataracts. yeah. yeah. and my friend's tall. but again, it goes back to the.> i don't feel like anybody can see this. evid continu tyruse to get the evidence from the american people who were there. we don'teoplewere the need theit investigation at this point because it's just b.s. they're not asking the right questions because they know the answer. >> i was going to go to dana, but judge your cataractsg the rt : i wa where i don't have cataracts, my friend was supposed to haveo surgery. she wasn't ready. and they said, we'll do it anyway wasn' for $10,000. okay. kim let's get tos the factsget kim cheatle resigning has not

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islved anything because the guy who's coming in right after her is worse than she is. all righhas comet? his and if you couldn't figure that out from his attitude yesterday and hittituds fight, l they can come in all they want theysay, we did a terrible job ,but are you going to firere anybody? are you going to suspend anybody? is anybody, you know, being interrogated right now? we're not going to rush to judgment. anybody beint tell you somethino you don't need to rushu to judgment to find out what the facts you didn't show up on the day of the rally. you didn't have any formare. of communication with the locals. you may ask asinine excuses as to why you didn't have someone on the roof. and i just't found out today that the locals were told not to communicate through text with the feds, but what they did was, that was the only way they could communicate the photograph. waall right. now, a federal counter sniper,yo one of the guys who actually took out crooks actually saysl we should all expect another attempt to happen before november ano. o

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we exposed our inability to protect our leaders due to our leadershiect our p. the technicians who worked on 713 and butler did their jobk with their hands tied, talking about the locals. secret service t the lo supervisors knew better and the foot soldiers working made the bestet of a bad situation that resulted in a civilian death and a near miss of athis age president. this agency is inept at thncy ie top. and this reminds me the fbi under james comey, strzod this mccabe, the whole lot of them, you've got the upper echelon e lo who doesn't care is deep stateto or whatever you want to call them. the guys below them, below them, you know, they worked their tails off and they're ready to givf e their lives. >> this top level layer has to go. r snip remember when cheatle said they didn't put a cat or a sniper becae it was tood? sloped? >> well, now you see the assassin just gallivant ting around the roof like it was like a track meet. this was.wi i agree with you, jesse. this was a catastrophith ychavea and fatal failure. you had a man killed, you had a father kille m

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d, and you almostnited had the president, former president, united states killed. i don't know. for the lifestlled. of me, you t well. terrorist. you said what should bother is for me. it's after all theboth week or couple of weeks of this, i would have imagined that the thatng secreginet service are working. i'm not. i'm not you. you have a strong theory of that, judge. you may be right. judge, yt -- i i would have thought what i was most disappointed in him is hi s not coming before that committee and say, look, here's what i've done over the last few w done days. here's how we're going to protect president trump, vice president harris, senator vance, and whomever vanp vice president harris chooses her vp because that's s our jobn here over the next few months. now, as relates to things, failuresrelates and what happel there at butler, i'd like to go in private because we certainlny don't want to instigate, inspire or give a copycat e, inspiinformation on what we wrong there. that's not already known in the press, is notown in but the facy have not articulated and enumerated the new standarde nots, the protocols to ensure, to assure americans and reassure -- to a y

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,and more importantly, the four principals. president trump,tly, the senato, vice president harris, and whomever she chooses of the next few daypresator vansident to me, that's the real affront. i don't understand. i think some of the senators pu were a little out of line in some of their questions. i get the point scoring and we can point fingerint scor s all we want, but at the end of the day, what have you guys plannedho differently and how are you how can you reassure us as a public u that it's going to be implemented in a way that keeps not only the principal safe, but those who come to these rallies safe as they exercise their first amendment rights in politics? >> dana perino well, it's no t it's comforting to realize that the us secret service is actuallnoy the keystone cops. this is terrible for retentione and recruitment. they already have staffing problems. who wants to go work for this alreadyorganization? and right now, with a brand besi that is as besmirched working for the u.s. secret servicrce ww one of the pinnacles of a of a security officers career, a law enforcement officers career and investigators career. that'srs where you want to be ti the top in the world. and i thinank that you're hittin

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on something that i was thinking about, harold, but i'm alsog rold, bu going to go back. he said he was going to beto on top of everything, including curing cancer in the next six months. where are you, sirx? guy this guy, row patriot, fine, whatever. i know that that people want to say this great guy. okay. he was alsay, heo the numberr two under cheatle. biden has never fired anybody. e cheatle resigns. so the biden really doesn't have to do anything. and everybodt do anyy walks awa this is no big deal. and the only way you get information is through fox new s or senator grassley's office, because there's all the videos already exist and they're blami they're blaming local law enforcement, which is much local less encumbered when it comeses to talking to the press.s. for we're just we're just here- and doing our jobs, guys, like we're just waiting for something. and all these guys these at the secret service, you can imagine are like, oh, my gosh, oh, my gosh. i guess protecting themselveimat what about protecting the former president? we're protecting the currentmer candidates and all the other people that about protecting all ofther? us. i mean, i think that bidenri and harris should be demandingef

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more answers on behalf of the former president, regardless presse fact that he' the candidate. >> but because it would be the right thing to do, it would righn. th >> up next, kamala harris is talking trash about debating trump. >> but can she back it up when times online my eyes are on my heartrt. er monol i mean, oh, my way.hese sh guye did you ever worry wem t wouldn't get to enjoy thishe? seriously, look at these guys. seriously, look at these guys. they're playing grea meanwhile, i'm on the green, meanwhile, i'm on the green, and all i can think about is ial quese green i'm spending on three kids in college, not to mention the kitchen remodel. and we just remodeled the bathrooms last month i get all my financial questions answered so i don't have to worry. have to worry. so you're like a gur tions. >> oh, here. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard. >> in real life conversations, empower her. >> what's next? i know my family like having a

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set of custom wheels, gives kids like me. rs child i mean, the ability to defend you can only dream of beforeande the support of nasrallah shrined last year, this custom built last year, this custom built a gotham placeib for kids to dream of their first set of wheels. for us, the bike is one of the most incredible experiences. most incredible experiences. the very first moment she had success. you're doing a great jobmy son jayden received his bike from shriners. i will start crying because i never thought my son would be able to ride a bike at all. when you'erence t you ge shriners .org or call this special number with yourng just monthly gift, you'll make monthly gift, you'll make a difference to and help kids, us do things we never thought we could do when you say yes ca only 63 said today we'll send you this adorable love to the rescuellw to giv blanket as a rr of all the kids you're helping and in right now to get. you'll be makingto come. sure

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reconsider to meet mehe deb on the debate stagate, because s as the saying goes, if you gotay something goes, g to say. yep. who? well, but one wanted wil to actually go head to head. biden bailing on his campaign, a sent original plans into a tailspin. but trump says he'll probably end up debating harris. e >> they'll probably end upnd u debating. i think actually the debate should take place before the votes start being caste bef if you're going to have a debate, you got to do it before i think before the votes are cast. i think it's very important that you do that. so the answer is yes. but i cast. is vethat youds of o not doing it. i would rather run against her than himd ra. n he >> i think she's easier than he is. >> all right, jesse, i knowght, you want jes debate, but i personally feel the president

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is playing chess to their checkers with this. they need him more than they neehe needs them right now. so i like the fact that he's being kind of i don't know, expn because they're expecting him to attack when she did that little say it to my facwhe >> right.wing he's showing restraint. correct? calculated. and r,i said somebody tolddid l her the worst thing trump did all campaign was agreeing to debate joe biden because she knocked him out too early. right. if you just said and now let's do it in the fall, he would have just knocke d him outy be in september and too late. he would already been the nominee. they couldn' thenominee. t have switchedus cruz. >> so, yeah. kayleigh mcenany said lastt on night on prime time that trump shouldn't challenge her to. debate and soon do it in augusta ugbecause if you don't do it no, you're basically giving her a month to just not get touched. she's not going to do. no one's going to touch her. the media is not going to touch her. just givino touch st giving her a free pass fore n her to debate in august. and that means she's goingg to to have to prep because, boy, to have to prep tyrus.

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>> yes, she doesn't know anything. t only on the stage, you're going to have to defend her own record. she's going to have to defen had the biden-harris record. >> and then she's going to have to put some sort of visiont somr the future. >> and you're going to scratch your head, say, well, why haven't you done that alreadheaa >> that's a tough little walk she has to play. dana, does trump agree before her vp selection or after i think after his fine. i mean, the idea that the kamala people are putting forward that trump is afraid to debate is kin trufraid tod os because he debated biden and ended a 51 year politicall careercareer in one blow.e so that doesn't really make sense. eut i'm going to i disagresense. with something you said. is that allowed? yeah. free country. okay. i think he needs the debate. trump needs the debate becauseb. the media is giving harris a all of her past positions. and so he needher pasts an evene 30 million people are going to watch all at once so that he

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can reset the stage because the media is not going to do it and they're certainly not going to do it before september. goiso do you think we really dd disagree. >> i was saying to rush into, ty the debate, they need him more than he needs her so he can waim mot. k >> i just think he should wait to go first. so we keep our track record of always agreeing. yes. yes. we're not going to get into it, jesse. no, no, no. greeing. going to to it,haroldharold, because i ke she's going to go. i'm figure to spare you because you've let her into the race. >> i'd never disagree with dave. that's jusnat one of the rulesd in my household. and the judge and not my wife likes her. y but we can. >> december, i sent you that. texas. just agree. remember that i was there. >> yes. now, i think i think kayleigh is right. i thin yes k if i were advisingng and i'm not advising him if i were advising the president, i would accept the debate for the reason that kayleigh laid tht in to the other reason, if everything that's been said about kamala harris, that a lot of us have said, many of us around the table arer the las t year or even, two years, that she's largely uninformed, she's largely not iu good in public. she's vulnerable on issuese's v

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if i were running against her, that would be the prime candidat e that she wouldnt to po want to debate because she would want to point out all of those thingsou those. and i think dana's point about if you don't do it soone rs ,i think you allow just the politics of it. and dana, i think is assessingdi that just the actual politics mean you give your opponent an opgt whatty to run up a bi lead. out to think about what's about to happen. yeah. vice president harris is about to choose her vp sident h candidate.ju and just by just historically, you get a lot of good press. around whether it's a democrat or republican. and then you go right intonventn a convention. the republicans had this thing. i've bee to 15 pon to 15 political conventions in my 54 year life. i've never seen a convention ve never as well put on as well-organized as the republican convention. i thought there were some thingi s president trumpth shouldn't have said in his speech, but it was a great convention. great ve to assumeought ther bu the democrats are going to do the same thing in late august. >> so if i'm president trump late au, i want that debate earlier just so you don't give her a head of steam. and if you don't debater, i think you give her an opportunity to say the things she's been saying. and lookk she habeenit more cre. >> judge, take us home. she's in a honeymoon tyrus perid

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and we came out of the assassination with the attempt with donald trump having iconicy status in this country. and then all of a sudden she's the candidate and thingswe start changing. we're in the honeymoon period. she's going to pick her v.p. in they're going to have the dnc, their convention. and i thinck herk he's got to hr got a debater sooner rather than later. but what. i'm hearing and seeing now is something very different from differe what we've heard fs the last three and a half years. there are no words, salads anymore. she will play the prosecutorshee she will make out. she will make herself out to bew one of the toughest prosecutors america has ever seen, which is not her recorsnod, by the wa, but who's going to get up and object to it? andi think it's a it's going te a fascinating debate and i think he's got to do it sooner rather than later. >> awesome. say goodby an latere to pronounun confusion under donald trump. >> we'll tell you why nextunder

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dot ltd's legal that's 1-800- 6012929. >> that is donald trump is taking on a new 2024 stance its provision his pronouns excus

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enew 20 me are no and thanks. >> what are your pronoun24s? >> i have no, i don't want pronouns. i don't want pronouns. i said they are fluid. n what is that? nobody even knows what that means because they're going crazt means, crazy -y here, rig? >> we have to bring our country back to sanity. sanity. you strike me as someonepe that might have a perspective on this. when you introducerspect this p how do you introduce yourself? >> tara'ce yourss short. i didn't get the last name. listen, i've always said the same thing. pronouns nam are nicknames for people without friends. if you spend too much timeithoug computer looking at yourself, taking pictures of your food, and you want to give yoursel you a cool nickname, great. but don't. don't spend it on us. and i'vet do actually had a horrible accident. i was at a starbucks and their thing was out and as i drovewenp to drive through, i saw the teller and i said, excuse me, ma'am, i'd like to order iced coffe said exke te. black and ma'am was my best guess. i didn't you know, i had to flip a coin, was no big deal, and fired back on me. it's there then, and i said, i don't care which one of you makes the drink. i just put ices d coffee black.

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and so i'm just saying, i'm a you n mang i'mn. >> that's how it works, your honor. how do you feel about this? yeah, you got to just say about two words to describe me. t45 and 47. wow. deep. i hate the whole pronoun thing. >> and i think that back to 2015 or 16, he gave an he did an event where he got a standing ovation when he said for the first time, this country is being killed by political correctness. >> there's a lot of people who agree with him on that. i'm one of them. primetime. how do you.: >> i just like when he said fluid. no one even knows what that mean when hefluid,s. >> one more thing.ans. one more thing is up next. >> how you do it.wher hee's y. hey. you sing in this place? what's the dish? mye ain't one. you're telling me you can get direct tv? the good stuff, and you don't need a satellite dish? need a satellite dish? oh, i used my business on those things. >> no one sick pigeon, then vicious, kept the rain off our beaks. we just have different priorities. it's all satellite, free directi

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10:00 pm

>> let's go. all right. just two is primetime. tonight, we have sage steele and chris hansen. 8:00. harold, i love that for kid that was just born a brave officer, say the rottweiler and her puppies from a devastating wildfire in california. dog owners were fleeing their home with their animals when their truck got stuck. they were forced to leave a truck behind along the dogs, but took the first responders where they could find it. trevor skaggs is a member of the bso search and rescue, polluted air and a helicopter for running one and a half before running one and a half miles to a location. >> god bless you. all right. i'm hosting the ingram angle tonight, so will be on at seven eastern time. and also check out these three men who weren't at the white dudes for camilla. they they're greek olympians on the water polo team who showed their prowess. they moved a car so a bus could get through. >> these guys lifted a car. anyway, that's it for us. have a good nigh t. >> welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonight. >> why s

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Dana Perino, Greg Gutfeld, Jesse Watters, Jeanine Pirro and a rotating host discuss and debate hot issues across the spectrum, from politics to pop culture; the hosts also conclude each show with the "One More Thing" segment.

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