The Hondo Anvil Herald from Hondo, Texas (2024)

PAGES Amd 70 CENTS SINCE 1886 THE NEWS OF COUNTY HONDO, MEDINA COUNTY, TEXAS, FRIDAY, MARCH II, 1W5 NUMBER THIRTY NINE rmory Contract Let Friday chool Burglaries Cleared Confess County ik-lns many school fes have been cleared and etrators arrested. Cain and Adrian Young, Macdona and Dwayne who is being held in i)n a federal offense for into a government post- fare the three charged schoolhouse burgla- je burglaries spread from ien to January, Sheriff C. Elder announced. Itailed written statements Young, under arrest in told of committing burglary at Devine, iLaCoste plus entry of a ise there, twice at School and once into its grade school, Hondo and once at School, which was led. LaCoste and the trio attempted to knock Ife.

fsaid he took $120 from ille Elementary School, the trio and three other not charged in this in some forty in South Texas. Ire charged in six coun- Puding La Salle, Live Oak, Bexar, Washington and have also been filed Cain for breaking into postoffice. Cain long criminal record, iHitzfelder said. He has ply been arrested in Bexar and convicted of breaking and on other burglaries icted with the present schoolhouse break-ins. the sheriff said, would be extradited from one of the counties I is charged.

On Stolen Property Attorney Kills Ybarra Charges The case of Lorenzo Ybarra and Tomasa Ybarra, charged with receiving and concealing stolen property Feb. 26 from several Hondo business stores over a two-week period, was dismissed on the motion of the county attorney. Bonefacio De La Rosa was fined $250 and costs plus 30 days in jail for aggravated assault by County Court March 7. 'The case of Dan Strother, charged with aggravated assault March 4, was also dismissed on a motion of the county attorney. Eleven men were fined and given sentences for convictions on driving while intoxicated charges.

They include Vernon F. Berry and Lorenzo Monreal, each fined $100 and costs and three days in jail. Glenn Lowell Hillman was assessed $300 and costs and 10 days in jail, Ramon C. Thomas, $175 and three days in jail, Victor Amda Villalobos, $150 and three days in jail, and the following $100 and costs plus three days in jail Albert L. Smith, Jesus Garcia, Jose Felan, Lonnie Slee Williamson, Robert Artis Holloway and Robert Valdez Perez.

Pablo Hernandez was fined $150 and costs for selling beer from retail beer licensed premises March 14 te a person intoxicated. Valde Jass was fined $150 and costs after pleading guilty to a charge of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, March 15. Never Too Late To Teethe BIRY having treu- bia with your false tooth, neighbor? If so, bettor take a look. The trouble might be like that of 79-year-old Gus Brieden of Biry. Mrs.

George Schmidt, daughter of Gus, said her father complained of his false teeth hurting him. The trouble? He was cutting two front teeth. PARfCS By Bill Berger 96 Loads In Chamber Cleanup story in the Del Rio erald makes a fit subject column. Here it son's too young to have rifle I got him a B-B parents make that nt but at least one local is concerned at that gun in careless young cost the sight of a nis physician has treated Mny where a rr lost the sight of an eye I of a wound from a B-B to the human I and to the tragedy of lof an eye we must take bsideration the expense the physician are painful and pany cases they have picted by some young- a B-B gun. give grave con- to the possibilities of fining to some other before they give their of this File For iro School Terms )0VILLE Mrs.

A. A. Theodore Wurzbach, of office as school expire in April, have as trustees lastroville Rural High for a three year action will be held Satur- elementary Anyone pa nle as a candidate for ivacancies should submit iaat.on to V. L. Fletcher pare March 22.

hold the election Wernette, Floyd Haby Krenmueller. The Hondo Chamber of Commerce Cleanup Day was performed with precision and dispatch, according to Coordinator Dr. J. H. Jennings, chairman of the health and sanitation committee.

Homer Wilson, who assigned the men to the 15 trucks and planned the truck routes, reported 96 loads hauled to the dumping ground. The number of rubbish loads speaks for the success of the cleanup. The retail merchants committee composed of Henry Flory, chairman, George Dawson, Har- Kollman, Elmo Pope, Mrs. Alice Williams, Lloyd Hermes and W. T.

Crow supplied the touch that made the cleanup possible. This committee contacted the merchants for donations of men or money. Thus, it was unnecessary for stores to close. The excellent response of all concerned points to the same type of campaign for next year. The following contributed to the cleanup drive: Giving a truck Jim Lynch and G.

0. Braden; a pickup and driver, Ralph Jones, and Hondo Lumber two trucks and drivers, TAI; four trucks, men and money, city of Hondo; one man. Gulf Station, REA, Medina Feed Supply, Medina Motors, Bru Miller Dairy Creme, Moonlight Inn, Mumme Hatchery, Mussman Produce, Dr. E. L.

Kelley, Hondo Furniture Hondo Produce Laake Barber Shop, Brucks Petroleum Cortez Electric Winkler Buick, Favorite Cafe, Schweers Gulf Agency and Hondo Bottling $3 contribution, Santos Electric Garage, Ulbrich Dept. Store, Windrow Drug Store, Style Shop, Grisham Store, Kollman Sinclair Agency, H. H. Service Station, Wood Wood, Lois Beauty Shop, Lutz Service Sta-j tion, Medina Co. Abstract of- fice, Market Grocery, Hollmig Dress Shop, Hardware, Hondo Dry Goods, Hondo Locker Plant, Hondo Na -1 tional Bank, Horger Funeral Home, Package Store, Western Auto Store, Jax Distributing Hondo Drive-In Grocery, Raye Tlieater, Alamo Lumber Bluebonnet Cleaners, Store, Chapman Mill Grain, Insurance Pennington Appliance Ranch Store, N.

P. Pope Insurance, Rath Motors, Armstrong Hotel, Anvil Herald, City Bakery, Grocery, Postoffice O. S. T. Service Station, Hondo Implement Mary-Rene Dress Shop, DeMontel Appliance Delony Jewelry, Fly Drug, Food Store, Cafe, Confectionary, Store and Service Station; $6 donation, E.

R. Leinweber Stores; $2 donation, Herman Weynand Philco Co. and Gaines Hardware; and $5 donation, Inez Beauty Shop. Castroville To Clean Up March 27-31 A Bomb Program Monday Hondo Legionnaires, their families and high school students can take a close look at the effects of the atomic bomb when a program will be put on at the high school gym at 8 p. m.

Monday, March 21. Some nine hundred persons can view the program. The program is being put on to enlighten as many people as can be accommodated on what happens when an A bomb falls. Either Elmo Pope, past Legion president, or Miles Weynand, the present head of Hal Jones Post 128, will introduce the subject. Following will be a 10 or 15 minute skit by the Blue Birds, then a 20-minute talk by Col.

H. V. Riley, Hondo Air Base commander. Col. Riley was once among troops in Nevada trenches when the A bomb was being tested.

A 15-minute film on the things Col. Riley experienced, how the A bomb works, will precede another film on the effects as seen in World War II at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. The program will take the place of the regular monthly scheduled meeting of the Legionnaires. The basic benefit will be to acquaint Hondoans with what to expect in the event of a bomb dropping here and how to take care of oneself. 0 Schulzes On Honor Roll Both Ivan and Milton Schultz, baseball playing brothers at Texas Lutheran College were reported on the TLC honor roll for the first semester of the 1954-55 school year, Dean A.

C. Streng announced. I Natalia Election April 2 NATALIA An electicm to select three trustees for Natalia Independence School District has- been ordered for April 2, in the the high school gym, announced John Ward, president of the board. March 23 is the deadline for filing for a place on the printed ballot. Those whose terms will expire in April are Ray A.

Keith, Charles H. Thatcher, Sr. and John W. Taylor. Both Taylor and Thatcher have filed for re-election.

Others filing thus far include C. P. Honeycutt, Clyde Day and Dan Vera. Frank Fluegge has been designated as presiding judge, with Mrs. Iris Haller and Mrs.

Dorothy Stanfield as clerks. 'The present board is composed of John W. Ward. president; Ray A. Keith, Andrew L.

Simmons, W. A. (Dub) Mays, Charles H. Thatcher, B. L.

Penland, John W. Taylor, with G. M. Harrison as secretary. Mayor Woodrow Sharp in a proclamation to the citizens of Castroville, has designated the last week of March as the annual cleanup, paintup, fixup campaign for Castroville.

In past years, this organized effort by Castroville citizens has brought excellent results, giving everyone the opportunity to gather together the accumulated trash and have it picked up at their door and hauled away FREE. Mayor Sharp pointed out, however, that all refuse MUST BE IN CONTAINERS and the pickup crews WILL NOT TAKE GARBAGE. St. Louis Parochial School is cooperating with the cleanup campaign by sponsoring a paper drive at the same time. 'The Club urges everyone to gather together their newspapers, cartons and old magazines and bring them to the school the morning of Thursday, April 31.

Members of the paper drive committee of the St. Louis Club will be on hand to accept them. Mayor Sharp asks that everyone cooperate in this campaign, cleaning lots and yards, getting rid of old newspapers and rags; thereby removing fire hazards in homes and eliminating breeding places for flies and mosquitos. all work together to make Castroville a cleaner, healthier, more beautiful place to declared the mayor. Pickup crews will work the south side of Hwy.

90 Thursday, March 31 and the north side Friday, April 1. Citizens are asked to have everything ready for the trash collectors at the designated time. There will be but a single run of each route. IN 7-A Jail Builder Makes Bid Of $68,607 A contract to build a proposed Hondo Armory for the National Guard unit here will be let Friday, March 18 by the State Board of Control in Austin. The Board of Control announced through an item in the Bulletin put out by the San Antonio Builders Exchange March 9 that Robert L.

Guyler of Crystal City has made the low base bid of $68,607. However, Guyler, who built the Hondo county jail, was not awarded the contract on the basis of his low bid. The Builders Exchange Bulletin also said in its item of March 9 that there were four bids and that each bidder had five alternates. Mrs. Pearl Sheffield, who works for the Builders Exchange publication and handles some of its copy, said the five alternates were what the law specifies and that they may affect the actual awarding of the contract.

Other bidders and their bids include Frank Thomason, Kerrville, Allen Wilson Construction Denison, and E. H. Conrad of San Antonio, $89,495. Greatest Growth By Vincent Girl CAPTAIN HARRIS Bach In Civvlas AB Loses Dental Surgeon Dr. (Captain) Jerome Harris, who has served as dental surgeon at Hondo Air Base since July 5, ia53, is being relieved from active duly at his own request to enter private practice in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Dr. Harris received his degree from the University of Pittsburgh in 1948 and operated his own private practice in Pittsburgh before entering the service in March, 1953 at Ellington Air Force Base, Houston, wh-ere he served a few months before reporting to Hondo. Replacing Dr. Harris is Dr. Clark D.

Danner, who comes to Hondo from Ellington AFB. Dr. Danner received his degree at State College and Washington University. His home is in Ellsworth, Kan. Dr.

Danner and his wife, Nancy live at the Hondo Village. Possibly the most amazing growth in the month to month charts for height and weight in Class 7-A is that of Katherine Marie Vincent. Her chart, notes Mrs. Ethel N. Burch, shows a steady climb from September to March when the last measurements were taken.

Katherine Marie was 4 feet 9 inches tall when she started the seventh grade in September. Her greatest growth came from November to December when the chart showed she grew a full inch. She is now 5 feet 2 inches tall, and as in the two previous months she has grown a half inch since the last measurement in February. November to December seems to be the time for fastest growing since nearly all the 29 students in this particular grade show the greatest hike in height. By contrast weight gains have been slight, and in some cases where height was noticeable the poundage worked almost in reverse.

The case of Margaret Garza revealed very few Her weight has hovered at 120 pounds since the start of school six months ago. Her height took one jump of a quarter of an inch from December to January, then maintained a straight line as it had before. Conversely, Steven Bernal has started spasmodically, but has been in a steady ascendency since December of a half inch per month. Evidently, Clayton Saathoff consolidates his gains in the manner of a military leader. From September to November his height stayed at 5 feet inch, then it jumped a half inch in November to stay there a month, and jump another half inch in January where it stayed in February at 5 foet iVia inches.

Petty graph indicates a peculiarity, too. She gained no height from September until February, then suddenly spurted a full inch in February. Her weight, 94 pounds, stayed on an even keel until January when she began to lose slightly. The new year also did something for Marianne Muennink. Although it changed her poundage one iota, she did get off a steady level of 4 feet 11 inches to gain a half inch of height at the last measurement.

Olga Rosalinda key month was November. It was then she gained her most height, a half inch, and at the same time her weight nosedived. It has climbed since a a back to its former highest point at 103 pounds. Cascille Joiner began inauspiciously in September by stay- but her weight continues to rise steadily. Ramiro Ybarra, the boy who grew a full inch in January, has 224 Years Old History Runs In WTien Dave Rubinoff appears in Hondo in a program of popular grew a tuu men eoncert music, he will play on had phenomenal success on most precious instru- hmght chart In I in the world, the famed -November-has he faded to gam violin in -November-has he failed to gain some part of an inch.

He has shot up inches in six months and now stands at 5 feet inches. sured for $100,000 made 224 years ago. The violin is famous for its fminH in tahii sUkon, lustrous tone, its full laS the rf mea range and unhdmvable Of all Violin mahers found ds Ste ot gaathoff Ramiro Romanoffs, one time rulers five grew a half Ramiro still bears the Ybarra, Marie of that rriajr During the revolution it was nal and Clark smuggled out ot Russia and -s purchased by Sensitive to heat, humidity, altitude and the risks that beset any treasure of such vast value, the Stradivarius is guarded and handled with deference and extreme care at all times. The ancient instrument still retains the original varnish and is the acme of perfection in musical instruments. During certain passages of Rubinoff exerts as much as 60 pounds pressure on the violin.

It takes tremendous strength of highly developed muscular action to draw certain tones from one of the most delicate instruments. Rubinoff will appear at the high school gym Monday, March 28 for matinee and night performances. Tickets are available at nine places including E. R. Leinweber which has been added to the list.

Programs will be available at the places where tickets are on sale. Matinee tickets for students 75 cents will be sold at the 2 p. m. performance March 28 and Bali, gained a quarter of an inch, and 14 remained stationary. Stage Hand Hit By Car No amount of acting could keep two actors from having an accident outside Tavern Sunday, March 13.

The accident occurred about 9:10 p. m. east of Hondo on Hwy. 90. A pedestrian, G.

W. Hanna, sauntered across the road from the tavern toward his car parked on the shoulder of the highway. He never made it for a Pontiac driven by Allen Riley Wyatt, Tarzana, struck Hanna. Hanna suffered a compound fracture of the right leg, a broken shoulder and serious head in- not at Hondo stores. Adults go juries.

Patrolman W. B. Edge ing to the matinee will be charg- said. An ambulance brought ed $1.65 for an hour of entertain- Hanna to the Medina Hospital ment. The night concert of 90- here then transferred him to a I minutes will start at 8:15 p.

m. San Antonio hospital. The oddity of the accident was that both men are working on a film being shot at Brackettville about the fall of the Alamo Hanna is a stage hand and Wyatt an actor. -------DRAFT REGISTERS 8 COUNTY MEN Eight men from Medina County are li.sted on the registrants from No Signal Causes $500 Car Damage Failure to give a lefthand signal on old Hwy. 90 caused an auto collison but no injuries to either driver March 5.

George Mumme of Hondo was Local Board 48 at Pearsall, in- about to make a lefthand turn eluding five from Devine. From Devine are William K. i Harlan Wolff attempted to pass. Johnson Joe Monreal, Robert I In the resulting crash car Busby III, Santiago Zavala hit the side of auto. when another car, driven by Harlan Wolff attempted to pass.

Mumme paid a $2 fine for failure to give a lefthand signal. and Arnold Valdez Flores. Cas- Diciousiv bepiemoer oy troville has Ramaldo Aguirre, ing status quo, but kept cUmbkig Hondo has Ignacio Pimentel and car damage unta January. She has leveled Yancey has Guadalupe Leal on anestimated $300, and Mumme off the past two months in height, call..

The Hondo Anvil Herald from Hondo, Texas (2024)
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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.